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Belfast News-Letter

Advertisements & Notices

... Glasses; Mahogany 1)rawers; Four-post and other Bedl- steads and Hangings ; Feather Beds and Bedding; Wash- Stauds; Cot; Kitchen Requisites; Oil Paintings ; Engravings nnd Statuary ; Fowfitg-Pieces, &c., &c. 122 WILLLAMd DALE, Auctioneer. riio he SOLD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and twvo Dressing- Rooins, besides two Servants Bed-Roonis in the attics; Water- Closet, Servants' Itall, Laundry, good Kitchen, Pantries, and Cellars. It will be found to contain everv aceommodation for the receptioi of a geistletar's faiily. it is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Printsof l1er Maj styv's CoroniatiotnatdlMarriage; Ei lit-(daV Clock, liv GRAY; 1ied-rooln Furniture ; Chiua Glass; Delf; Kitchen Uteinsils, &c. Terms-CASĀ£I. O C I secnM t AtN, Atteti-tEEr.1 291h Jatiitary, 150. 201 VESSEL FOR SALE. r[ THE A.1 CLIPPER ...

Advertisements & Notices

... state of ciltivetious, sIsg jrousiglhly Draiiesl. The Homse contaiis, on tshe first fl.r, two l'arlisurs, ]eul.roous, aBud Kitchens, with 'asitry and Scusllery attachses; astd on tile second flooisr, a Drawsing-riussot, asdl three Ber- roumns, with Garrets ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Draw-era; C an e seat c hairs; r French arid other Be lsteads; Feathner Beds; Dre sin isles Dfressng Glasses;.Glass; Deif; Kitchen Utensillc&c. Also . the Shop Fixtures, Well fitted up for the rocer2 a lr i S pirit Traile; swith Stock-Casks ; Draw era C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Bed-Rooms, atn t to Dressing- Rooms besides two Servants' Bed-Rooms in tbe attics, Water-Closet, Servants' lall, Larrodry, gornil Kitchen, Prttt tries, an d Cellars. It nill lie foiid to contain every accon - m odation frir tire receptio: s of a gentlemanr's fairiy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B1cls alsil 13cd- ribg; Dressinsg Tasbles anl Glasses; Wash Stansdls; t\lalho gany Wartlrobse; Drawers; Chissa; Glass; Delf; Kitchen Utensils, &c., &c. Catalogises of the Painitintgs are in preparation, antI may be hail in a feu dats, lt-ice Sixpeatce each ...

Advertisements & Notices

... if cultivation, beirig thorosughlly Dnairmen. 'I'hle Hlouse cortairs, on tIre first flmor, tvo Parlirrs, Bed-roomi, arri Kitchen, with IiPaitry and ScullerY attactieri ard on the second flrir, a Drawirrg-rrnrm, arrle thre Bed- rooms, with Garrets. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of cultivatiin, Irei rr, i Ioorlr I Drairireri. Tlre H ouise CO)Itiains, on the first IIO r two Prrrlor rs Bed-rror, arIrl Kitchen, witlr Paltirrv sn4 Sn llery atiaclher allrl, on tire secoird floor, a Drawig-run .I tirre lieu roamns, witirGarrers. Tire ...

Advertisements & Notices

... as a renewal flre. TileI lise, which is in inood order, contains two Pari-urs, C l iIrrset, Pa'itr', inrgeBed-rrroon arid Kitchen is the grotnii floor a ar-ge I)rawirrg-roorni, three Bed-roorIss urls DreeSi fg-r'OOuII on tile seconn fl flror, arid thrree ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -'%VsA Stails; Ne; Stair Carpets; Dressii-g-Glasses; Cane- seat Chairs ; Excellent Dval Kitchen Press ; Valve Shower- haitil Iliad; Chiniia, Glass, Delf, Kitchen Utensils, &c., &c. At TWVO o'clock-a Superinr well-toited Cabinet PIANO- FORTE, hV CLEMEtntr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Agricultitral School) has been built tilt ouitch arciui- teeturall taste, anti lsa a large Ro oin, I Sr1itig-Rooi.iisO~l, atti a Kitchen, onth ie groundl-floiir, i'll tot g Btdled. Rollis absove stairs, anidis well stliletijfor he eeeomtloiiia- tion of a geit ...