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Amusements. WEAR MUSIC HALL, DRURY-LANS. SUNDERLAND Sole Proprietor, Manager, and Artist Stuart H. Bell. 20, ..

... H. MILBURN'S GRAND SPECTACLE THE TALK OF EVERYBODY. Admitted to be the greatest Christmas Novelty ever produced in a Variety Theatre. HUNDREDS UNABLE TO GAIN ADMISSION. Monday, Jan. 3, and every evening during the week, the following matchless bill of ...

Amusements. WEAR MUSIC HALL, BUNDKRLAND Bole Proprietor. Manager, and Artist Stuart H. Bell. 20, the Park. THE ..

... H. MILBURK'S GRAND SPECTACLE THE TALK OF EVERYBODY. Admitted to be the greatest Christmas Novelty ever produce d in a Variety Theatre. HUNDREDS UNABLE TO GAIN ADMISSION. On Monday, Jan. 3, and every evening during the week, the following matchless bill ...

Amusements. WEAR MUSIC HALL, DRURY-LANS. BUNDERLAND Sole Proprietor, Macncer. xr.d Artist Ui Stuart H. Bell. 20 ..

... H. MILBURN'S GRAND SPECTACLE THE TALK OF EVERYBODY. Admitted to be tbe greatest Christmas Novelty ever produced in a Variety Theatre. HUNDREDS UNABLE TO GAIN ADMISSION. Mondat, Jan. 3, and every evening during the week, the following matchless bill fare ...

Amusements. WEAR MUSIC HALL, DRURY-LANE. WONDERLAND. Sole Proprietor, Artist Stuart H. Bell. 20, Poel-street. ..

... Milburh MILL GRAND SPECTACLE THE TALK OF EVERYBODY. Admitted ft je the greatest Christmas Novelty ever pro% iluced in Variety Theatre. HUNWEDS UNABLE GAIN ADMISSION. On MoxDAV.-San. 10, and every evening during the week, the following matchless bill of ...

Amusements. A R SIC HALL, DUCKY-LANE, SUNDERLAND. protineun, Manager, and Artist Btnart H. Bell. Sole Fropnew»> ..

... Mr J. H. MILBURN'S GRAND SPECTACLE TALK OF EVERYBODY. Admitted to be the greatest Christmas Novelty ever produced in a Variety Theatre. HUNDREDS UNABLE TO GAIN ADMISSION. Monday, Jan. 10, and every evening during the week, the following matchless bill fare ...

WEAR MUSIC HALL, Boie rropriew, the Park. THE chbistmas~a»npal FOR 1880-1. , SUCCESS UNPRECEDENTED 25th, 26th, ..

... Mr J. MILBURN'S GRAND SPECTACLE THE TALK OF EVERYBODY. Admitted to be the greatest Christmas Novelty ever produced in Variety Theatre. HUNDREDS UNABLE TO GAIN ADMISSION. Mokday, Jan. 10, and every evening during the week, the following matchless bill fare ...

Amusements. EAII music hall, DRURY-LANE. SUNDERLAND. Role Proprietor, Manager, and Artist Mi Stuart H. Ball. w ..

... H. MILBURN'S GRAND SPECTACLE THE TALK OF EVERYBODY. Admitted to be the great; Jt Christmas Novelty ever produced in Variety Theatre. HUNDREDS UNABLE TO GAIN ADMISSION. On Monday, Jan. 10, and every evening during the week, the following matchless hill ...

Amusements. SIC HALL, DRURY-LANE. SUNDERLAND. Sole Proprietor, Manager, aid Artist Mi Stuart H. Ball. 20, Peel ..

... Milbcru MILBURN'S GRAND SPECTACLE THE TALK OF EVERYBODY. Admitted to be greatest Christmas Novelty ever pro /Head in Variety Theatre. HUNDRBW UNABLE TO GAIN ADMISSION. On Monday, Jan. 10. and every evening during the week, the following matchless bill ...

Amusements. Wear music hall, drury-lane. sundkrland. propnetoi, Manager, at.d Artist Mi H. Bell. V 20> the park ..

... Milbttrh MILBURN'S GRAND SPECTACLE THE TALK OF EVERYBODY. Admitted to be the greatest Christmas Novelty ever produced in Variety Theatre. HUNDREDS UNABLE TO GAIN ADMISSION. On Monday, Jan. 10. aud every evening during the week, the following matehle«s bill ...

Amusements. Wear music shall, DRCRY-LANE. SUNDERLAND. flnifl Preonetoi. wd Artist......Ms Stout H. Ball. Bota ..

... Lessee Mr .1. H. Milbotm MILBURN'S GRAND SPECTACV-- 7 'V TALK !•• Admitted to be the greatest . l'.y ever produced in Variety Theatre. HUNDREDS UNABLE TO GAIN ADMISSION. On Monday, Jan. 17, and every evening duringthe week, the following .matchless bill ...

Amusements. E L THE CHRISTMAS ANNUAL FOR 1880-1. MOST ASTOUNDING SUCCESS ! Universally acknowledged the GEM of ..

... Milburh MILBURN'S GRAND SPECTACLE THE TALK OF EVERYBODY. Admitted to be the greatest Christmas Novelty ever produce d in a Variety Theatre. HUNDREDS UNABLE TO GAIN ADMISSION. this and every evening during the week, the following matchless bill of fare will ...

Amusements. WEAR MUSIC HALL, Artist Stuart H. Bell. the Park. THE CHBISTMASTKNUAL FOR 1880-1. Cg- A MOST ..

... Mr J. H. MILBURN'S GRAND SPECTACLE THE TALK OF EVERYBODY. Admitted to the greatest Christmas Novelty ever produced in Variety Theatre. HUNDREDS UNABLE TO GAIN ADMISSION. On this and every evening during the week, the following matchless bill of fare will ...