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... linger-size carda free ay nos;. flartey s Niew Seasons Pure Apple Jell is tiree ;fromamrtificialcol~urinp, ,t!ienaturaltintoftliefrvit only being preser-ed. Hartley s New .eon a ,Blackberry Jelly now ready-. -roat delie.i-v. dc:7 The WaORns of aCoNrSTxrTCOcuH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Cherries. JAaIS.-Peach Strawberry, Blackberry, Black Ctirrant, booseberry, Plum, Greengage, laspe, and Rasp and Currant. llb., 21b., 31b. Glass Jars. I TOOGOOD & WILSON, Stockton. ne DESSERT FRUITS, JELLIES, &o., &e, APPLES.-Baldwins, Newtowns, Normandy GRAP1ES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to Preserve Fruit in Prre Water, How 0oMake Blackberry Jam, Blackberry Jelly, Black- berry lWine. Rhubarb Wine. Damson WMn Plaar Wine, thenggoe WJ Ieldotberry Wine 1Mulberry Wme Applo -m. Appl Jeilyr Apple IMasmalade, ApPlo Preserve, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to Make Blackberry Jam, Blackberry Jelly, Black- berry Wine Rhubarb Wine, Damron Wine, Plum Wine, Qreeugago Wine Elderberry Wine, Mulberry Wmne, Apple Jam, Apple Jelly. Apple ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to Make Blackberry Jam, Blackberry Jelly, BMsik- berry Wine. Rhubarb Wine, Damion Wine, Plum Wine, Greergage Wine. Elderberry Wine, Mulberry Wine, Apple Jam, Apple Jelly, Apple ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PreserveFruits in Pure Water, How to Make Blackberry lam, Blackberry Jelly, Black- berry Wine. ]Rhubarb Wine, Damson Wine, Pinui Wine, Grsengage Wine. Elderberry Wine, Mulberry Wine, Apple Jeam, Apple Jelly. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Dressmaker, - Sorvants' Registry, St. Jamee' Post Office, Exeter. . ANTED TWO HOUSE and PARLOUR- DIAIDS, wages 612 to £14.--Appl MIr. I W. N. HiNoG. Dressmarer, Servants' Registry, St. James' Post Office, Exeter. tXPERItINCED L&UIlDEY WOMvAN A WANTED: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to Make Blackberry lam, Blackberry Jelly, Black- berry Wine. Rhubarb Wine, Damson Wine, Plum Wine, Greengage Wine, Elderberry Wine, Mulberry Wino. Apple JaM, Apple Jelly. Apple ...

Advertisements & Notices

... cncentrated in Cadburv a Cocoa., Hartley's New Season's Pure Apple Jelly Is frees [rem actifeicia colouring, time natural tint of the fruit ,only being prevervgdl. tfactloy~s' New Season's Blackberry Jelly now 'ready;gra defliacy. Tobaceonlute' Trade.-Per advice ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Plum PUlP, 1 sks Apple Pulp. 22 Oaeks Damson Pulp. I Qasks of lackberry Puhl, 3 Casks of Rhubarb Pulp620 Three- Gallon Jars Currant Pulp. I8 Three-I.allon Jars PIQam Pulp. 140 Three-Gal'on Jars Damsoa Pulp. 21 Three-0allon Jars APple Pulp, S3 Three-Gallon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Make Blackber Jam, Blackberry Jelly, Black- berry Wine. Rhubarb Wine, Damson Wine, Plum Wins, areengage Wine, Elderberry Wine, Mulberry Wine, Applo Jam, Apple Jelly, Apple Maramlade, Appe Freserve, Vegetable Marrow Jam, Bhubarb and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jar; do., do., bottles, 1 lb., ls. 3d. each; calf's feet jelly,, quart, 2s. d., pint, Is. fd. black and red currant jelly, ld, and Is. 2d,; marmalade (new), 9d., in fancy glass jare, Ild. ; apple jelley, Is. 2d. JAMS, red and black currant, greengage, ...