Advertisements & Notices

... Greenwich Fair article, is Spar. row-grass, that being an Aldernnanic mode of prosnouncin the name of the delicious vegetable, asparagus. Toyour second guestion, it is in the County of Berkshire. ORLANDO BENXETT.-Mr. S. Reeve appeared as Edgardo, in Lucia di ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Bread and Cake Baskets, Sugar Bowls, Goblets, Egg Stand and Egg Cups, Tea and Coffee Pots, Toast Racks, Vegetable Fork and Asparagus Jugs, Grape Scissors, Skewers, Knife Rests, Nut Crackers; two SacramentalCups, Branch Candlesticks; eight Candlesticks in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Parlour aid BLed Room Candle- stieks, Snuffers alnld Trays, Elperegne, Bread Basket, 2 Tea Urns, Wine Slides, Castors, Forks, AsparaguE, Tlongs, &c. PA N TRY. Handlsome Ironstone Dinner Set, Chita Desert Set, Tea and Coffee Old China, a profusion of Crystal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... aplales, is. Old to 4s. per buselaci hothouse grapes, 5s. to Its. Iper lb3. ; ciabsauts, Is. Old and filberts, Is. per lb. ; asparagus, 2s. lid. toeds. lid, per bundle; r-eakail, 9d. to he. per pautinet; gicesas, do,. Iser, dozess bnhtic-es ; carrots, -Is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mr. Lockley_.. Vegetabks.J Rhiubarb. -1, Joseph Harrison, REq.; 2, Mr Holker.-Beat brace Of en- eualbers, Mr.-Lockley; - asparagus, Mr. Whittain; lettuce, Mr. Lackiy~; goofeberries, J. Hlargreaves RE Cottagers. - Best ?? ~It I m - ?? MI-LL-HILL SOHOOLs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MedlIr, nmflberry, plum cherryv walnut, iiaslcs, an dother troas *atrawberrybods p'lapnting' raspteerilea, artichokes, asparagus, brocoll, beans, beete, atbbge, aol-ret seed, caslifllwer, celery, chardoens, eudive, lettuocee tuhrnips, lobalias. rogkol ...

Advertisements & Notices

... White Antwerp; Strawberries of the most approved kinds; Red Pontac Rhubarb, do. Seedling, fine Myatt's Linnaeirs, Victoria; Asparagus, 3 years old, fine, trans- planted; a good collection of Herbaceous and Rock Plants; Pot and Sweet Herbs, &c.; Privets, 2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Thorns f.'r HnJles. Appot. Puar. Planti and Cherry Trree,, G ooelberv. RIarphborrs, arid Cutrant Busihes IXlruirb, S-;tla!le, Asparagus. aul all tih best variety of Stawnurties. A. . alsi cills attention to the foliowing Winter T l.vw ring Plants, for Grneonib-uses ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Antwerp ; Strawberries of the most approved r kinds; Red Pontac Rhubarb, do. Seedling, fine Myatt'a Linnneirs, Victoria; Asparagus, 3 years old, fine, trans- planted; a good collection of Herbaceous and Rock Plants; Pot and Sweet Herbs, &c.; Privets, 2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Antwerp; Strawberries of the most approved F kinds; Red Pontac Rhubarb, do. Seedling, fine Myatt's - Linuaseirs, Victoria; Asparagus, 3 years old, fine, trans- planted; a good collection of Herbaceous and Rock r Plants; Pot and Sweet Herbs, &c.; Privets ...

Advertisements & Notices

... White Antwcrp ; Strawberries of the most approved kinds; Red Pontac Rhubarb, do. Seedling, flne Myatt's Linnacirs, Victoria; Asparagus. 3 years old, fine, traus- planted; a good collection of Herbaceous and Rock Plants ; Pot and Sweet Herbs, &c.; Privets, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... White .Antwerp; Strawberries of the most approved kinds; Red Pontac Rhubarb, do. Seedling, fine Myatt's Linnaeirs, Victoria; Asparagus. 3 years old, fine, trans- planted; a good collection of Ierbaceous and Rock Plants ; Pot and Sweet Herbs, &c.; Privets, ...