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Amami Man. h Slrmv anti ilabV paratively moderate use in this country, may have • sensible effect upon the commer.e

... . P ce--Five Pence. V I. c im , q.. , 3 I • , 1 I 1 I t i V 1 / t 4 . i 11,11 . *hit—Major C to be by purchamoice Blackberry wb, ; Ca,tain It flogbes to be Major by purchase, 'ice Lew.; LitUt E A Holdieb to be captain by perches , ' •ice Hughes; ...


... RECIPES. _ Blackberry-jam may be made by bur jug the berrie• in iron over a slow fire, w i t h sugar, in th • proportion of b ilf the ; weight of sugar, to the quantity of berries. They re.' quire to be well boiled, and frequently stirred and If made ...


... ever dreamt of until our patriotic contemporary, the Southern lieporter, broached the question. We would not give common blackberry for a port of call The commission was established to decide upon the relative claims England and Ireland, to the possession ...

TO THE RIGHT HON. I .HID .1. RI’S«F,I.L. I'} per r sticet. Dublin DOCTOR CAHILL—LOUD J. RUSSELL. \Hll.lj’S MUST TO

... material for a second letter the Bishop of Durham and the mob ; and will enable you adopt legal proceed, ings* us plenty as blackberries’fur putting an immediate stop to the Papa! aggression. I shall passover the reign of Elizabeth, as I cannot suppos® your ...

lions —I have travelled some little in my days I could say. here will I and die. My steps rill

... sack you to light two genii ii itsformatiou or teroperaniiiits, and thoroughly segoainted with them both, *Mee we pickeo blackberries togethet, cud ruminated over the euntents of that and respectable gunk to knowledge for j.iveuiles, the iteadiug-naide ...

tue ?.2Encunv, saturhav. January 3, m 2

... which are known, but also the richest fiuits, such as the apple, pear, peach, plum, apricot, cherry, strawberry, raspberry, blackberry, «N-c., that no fossils of plants belonging this family have ever been discovered geologists. This regarded as conclusive ...


... wh»t they say n-.w and again, ** iutidels,” thrsilors to their priociples, au-l nce-ly specula tors,” arc as plenty as blackberries amongst the lovers of fatherland. Well, all trades iou*t lire, the improper fay male remarked ; and never beard tell p ...


... were to blieve even • of what 'hay say and • inedela; • thraitors to their and • uce.dy opr-relators.' are at plenty as blackberries amongst the lovers of fatherland. Well all tbrades must live, as Joaeph kly remarked ; and I tot, takin' the shape of the ...


... Howera which are known, but also the richest fruits, such as the apple, pear, peach, plum, apricot, cherry, strawberry, blackberry, fee. ; namely, that fossils or plants belonging to this family havo ever been discovered geologists ! This he regarded ...


... indeed 'tis foreshown in th it ki.ks u rep -eted liU the cr *p closes further tutor, and emt heivls'llbe a.s plinty a* blackberries, and a fercnce Wuuld injurious. LPuilw may now nuids ! deal more than hnlf or Ouinneoss po.ther. ,dby >: .. g. . ' People ...


... teems a jig ou his cheat, is revamp the Mamma tat. . Ebert sighted, unrellectia• people, Thady, (and 3er long dose plata' blackberries ettoegh -- - , to i), t oe y t b e w a ta. ame . wh et . they reported--and that en the surto really antler I respect - ...


... arrive m the very nick of time ; but the berries taper off in excellence at the close of the year. The plain and healthful blackberry is succeeded the wortleberry, the poorest of fruits. But, in the meantime, .the larger kinds come to adapt themselves to ...