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Hampshire Post and Southsea Observer



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Hampshire, England

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Hampshire Post and Southsea Observer


... child was buried on Friday beneath stones and dirt, snd was not discovered until Saturday aft:rnoon by some men who were blackberrying. The ebild was ncarly dead. Frank Topsill, s letter carrier, was charged at the Bow Street Police Court, on Satarday, with ...

““ Does Cclonel Marchant never come with g ljcvor. He does not care about wdkn: with s. ‘ Perhaps

... richest dowry a wife can bring to husband and home. Presently, as he swang his stick agalost the light tracery of hawthorn and blackberry, a happy tho-gl:i oocurred to him. His sicter had pledged herself to kind t) these motherless girle. Her kiodness could ...


... Saturdsy, the Coroner for Essex held an inquest on a lac 13011 Vail, who dled somewhat suddenly, after eating & quantity of blackberries. % vomited vlothy after cating them ; aad the medical evidence went to show that death was due to coavalsions consequent ...

CADBURY'S CocoA — ‘*A cocoa possessing valuable flesh forming qualities and imparting strength and stayirg mu ..

... . Ventham and other boys were out on day, August 13th, gathering blackberries ;and something caused a quarrel bet ween the prisoner mimw.-no bad got near where Ventham was blackberrying. Aecoedhg to the dying statement of the deceased, the Em rew his ...


... were ?t.hennc blackberries. He spoke to them about it, and told them that they would have to -ooommy him to the farm. At first they agreed ; but whi m were cgm along, Bowman refused to proceed fi er. Pu then demanded their blackberries; but they became ...


... wash her hands, for in her abnormal condition she was cuaniog. fum«.wu were received in her siruggles with m » near the blackberry busher. She went over to the deserted house to hide her jewels, of which fact she was unconscious in her normal condition ...

detained until he attain the age of case Meyers, judgment was snsxm';gmi., - «A Craupiox Boxgr”’ CHARGED WITH ..

... Miss R. T. Jones, who sent a large number of studies of exceptional merit. One of her best exhibits was a painting of a blackberry bush, which was admirably treated. Two heads from life were also very meritorions; and hen’ studies of flowers, a copy of ...

few of the most imp

... rio (vi oncello. plano) .. Belected Miae Qu;m’u..:“m-uu.-x K Duke ‘ e, A ¥ rossosemensantediiin 50ng.00peen5®® Blackberry Gatherers ” Miss Harris 'DJI(r-.m0d)..T,“ As Usual .. Me:ars, Beck and Bishop *3olo (Buto harp).. em ...

[From Truth.)

... 3 %0 stand in she way of any outlay for the benefit of himaelt, ’ lam giad 0 hear that the probibition against ploking blackberries on Lady Heary go.onlt'- essateat Cartlemorton bas been w.thdrawn sinoe my ref rence to the matter in last week's 7ruth ...


... that such a child contemplated mischief of such a terrible character? He was mrr{ing his little brother, and was getting blackberries on the line, Then he must have dragged tb:fin.r with one hand ouly, and, according to the prosecution, placedqit on the ...

B LIPHOOK. —~Tar RAINFALL, as taken at Bramshott Rectory for September, amouated to 3:34 inches,

... and grain, The pulpit displayed the tasteful work of Miss Alexanler Along the top were asparagus, verberis, crespers, and blackberries, intermixed with each other ; whiie the base was hidden with tomatoes, apples, and grain, loar coss alongside were fioe ...

adds :—

... some of the inembers of that Board would be glad to get and to rise e:‘l&in the morninfi for. Clergymen were as thick as blackberries ; and they would have thema down on them in shoals. He moved that the salary of the chaplain be £l5O a year, and he called ...