... CANADA'S GREAT CANAL. The Dominion Government is constructing a 8,000,000d015. canal on the Canadian mde a Saulte Ste, Marie. In two years more Canaca will bave an independent route from the head of lake Superior to the Atlantic seaboard. The United States ...


... CANADA. Assisted ocean rates for Agricultural Labourers, their Families, and Female Domestic Servants, £3 per Adult; Mechanics, Navvies, General Labourers, and their Families, £1; Children under 12 years, £2; Infants under One year, 10s. For Passage Tickets ...

THE BEDFORDSHIRE TIMES AND INDEPENDENT, SATURDAY, 22 NOVEMBER, 1879 AS the Canada, one of the National Com, y's ..

... THE BEDFORDSHIRE TIMES AND INDEPENDENT, SATURDAY, 22 NOVEMBER, 1879 AS the Canada, one of the National Com, y's ski was being towed down thie Thawmes oy !lz’:..d.,y A!upr.v' noou, ou the turn of a bigh ebh tide, sheo came into collisioa with Woolwick ...


... FOREIGN NEWS., CANADA. The Canadian House of Commons has unanimously voted an Address to the Queen, praying that a form of self-government should be granted to Ircland, and that clemency should be extended to the political prisoners there. SirJ. Macdonald ...

'A;Aifltg;]”;:_n-snggnnto Canada

... 'A;Aifltg;]”;:_n-snggnnto Canada. €35 Passengers landing at Quebec,Halifax or Portland,and going inland are accompanied on the Railway by the Company's special conductors. Paxruners on Canada, Manitoba, and the Western States free on application. Full ...


... Female Domestic Servants for £3: and Through to Inland points in Canada at Special Rates. Paxrrrers. — Map of Manitoba and Canadian Pacific Railway ; also recent issne of Pamphlets on Canada and the Western States of America, &e., sent free, Full particulars ...

@he Bedfordshive Times & Independent

... @he Bedfordshive Times & Independent. NO. 1,851. REGISTERED FOR TRANSMISSION ABROAD. Gentlemen, Farmers, and Others, : RF,\)I‘IRI.\'G DATRY FARMS, MILK WALKS, or CORN DEALERS BUSINESSES in London or Suburbs, should apply to MR. DEVERELL, {UCTIONEER AND ...


... AND INDEPENDENT, SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 1£82.. FOREIGN MAILS. Despatehed from London. 3 Moxnay, April fi.q—(.llurm'uy) upplmmhré.flult to Martinique, Guadaloupe, La Guayra, Paerto Cabello, States of Colombia, Pacifie, &o. by French Packet ; to Lisbou and Brazil ...