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... was played at the Recreation Ground, Aberaman, and drew a good crowd. The weather was scorching. and not meltable foe football. The game was very interesting. The Aberaman full back, M. Anthony, an old Kicker player, shone conspicuously, and were ...


... distance of the sea, midway between Cardiff and Swansea. There is a large dry playground attached, and a good cricket and foot-ball field. The School will Re-open on MONDAY, the 21st JANUARY. Five Pupils from this School went up for the last Oxford University ...


... distance of the sea, midway between Cardiff and Swansea. There is a large dry playground attached, and a good cricket and foot-ball field. 'ierms 25 & 30 Guineas per annum. For list of References, Prospectus, &c., address—The Principal, Prospect House, ...


... Shernisn, Hernia Specialist, 6 hancery Lane, London. Write for his new book full information, 7jd. post free. All printing tor football clubs, uch as cards ot fixture liti, &c., can be done beeV and cheapest at the rlntinsr Works.Mertbvr. ...


... distance of the sea, midway between Cardiff and Swansea. There is a large dry playground attached, and a good cricket and foot-ball field. Terms 25 & 30 Guineas per annum. For list of References, Prospectus, &c address—The Principal, Prospect House, Bridgend ...


... Photographs of all descriptions accurately and artistically produced. Wedding parties, groups, &e. a tpccialitt. Cricket, football, and other athletic clubs waited upon. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. J. E. COMLEY AND SON, WHOLESALE MERCHANTS, IMPORTERS OF FANCY ...


... Recitals, Concerts, Eisteddfodau, &c. GAMACE FOOTBALL OUTFITS. LEADING THE WAY AS USUAL. CHEAPEST AND BEST HOUSE. Write or call for comprehensive Catalogue for the Season, post free to any addxew. THE H0LB0RN. FOOTBALL SHISTS. THE REFEREE BALL. TtUCBt or ...


... CARD Photographs of all descriptions accurately jS r artistically produced. Wedding parties, group8* U a fpcia'it/. Cricket, football, and other at!il*t»» waited upon. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. J. E. COMLEY AND So WHOLESALE MERCHANTS, IMPORT^ OF FANCY GOODS ...


... distance of the sea, midway between Cardiff and Swansea. There is a large dry playground attached, and a good cricket and foot-ball field. Terms 25 & 30 Guineas per annum. For list of References, Prospectus, &c., address—The Principal, Prospect House, Bridgend ...


... distance of the lieS. midwav between Cardiff and Swansea. There is H Jarg-e dry playground attached, and a good cricket and football fie d. Terms: 25 and 30 Guineas per Annum. Prospectus of terms, See., tnay be had on application to t'r. Austin, at the >chool ...


... PREPARED COCOA retains all the con- stituents of the natural Cocop, including the oil or butter, intact. All printing for football elubf, such as eanJ; of Six rules,&t\,can be done best and cheapest at the Times Priii lini Works, jlerthvr. EST1M XTI'S ...