... which they sre urmonnted, present an which cannot b« ii?t*ken at sea, and i* particularly requested that aptsins of will, if pick them up, nd follow the instructions contabed the reservoir ar papen, Shipping Gazette. [Several f these buays art* now being ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Close Ditto. Lowescroft Ditto Orchard. Church Path Bowy I.eigh . Ridgey Leigh Fairfield. Pond Close Clover Ground. Great Garbage. Four Foot Close.. Garden .. A roomy and substantial Cottage and Premises, with a Gar- den surrounding LOT 2. SouthwoodClose ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Pipes and Con- densers; Tar Pumping Apparatus; Tar and Gas WaterTsTaks, &c., &C. Toe Stock consists of about lel TonseFish Garbags Manure, 20 Tons Kainit. 50 T'ons Steatite, 30 Tons Agricultural Sult, 19 Tons Turnip Macore, a susall quantity of Guano; 3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... with Connecting Pipes and Con: denisers; TMr Pumping Apparatus; Tier and Gas Water Tanks, So The Stock censistsof about ?? Garbage Manure, Re; 20 Tens Rainit, 50 Tons Steatites, H Tons Agricultural Salt~ Xi lb Tone Turnip Manure a small quantity of Guano; ...

Fg8X~~N t ,fG E R 1'

... Oficer of Health has already reisarted several cases of famine fever, and children have been seen to help themselves with such garbage nM they could gather from dirst-heape and pig-trough wash. It is hoped that the public to wh -m this appeal is made will come ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jrarishiewharves free of eapene;e for the Purchase and reception oi1 Eds, Reed S=Astirvt, Sweepings. Garbage, &c., collected from the pwuh wls; Fe -ft Core, picked from the dusthsaps, aU ot which will be deposite~d in the contreotors boats at the Vesrl Depot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Herald iii. Office, Glasgow. PIANO Icood secousfi-hand) Wanted at once. State lowest ,.Lvrsce to 4654, Herald Office. o Efl GARBAGE. - Wanted jestoedistety, Pity Tons. ?? per ton delivered to W. Meeser. 110 Rendeld Street. QAILS.-M5in and Eo.e Sails Wanted ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tso-ten portable hand ib crae, quantity of W.l fist- bottorn rils, quantity sf timber, two tiP itiggons, andcart, harrowrs, picks, shovels, toote, four-ton hydraulic jaek, ladders, eretion of ?? s Lhe, ropes, and th aols on-. trctoss plant and ?? upon the ...


... all kinds of manure-in other sords plant food-was uncleanly, and so they iii t Canadian towns cremated the refuse and y garbage of the city.' In Montreal alone a sumn I of sixty thousand dollars is paid annually for I this sort of cremation. It is a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LAKOLA. PAS PRT. the Best Breakfast ile-errge. P1ine LA~iLtA CHOCOLATE, for Eating. Very Sustaining. for LtuAEiSENCE,1 the Best Pick-Mo&-Up. A Splendidf oaki Ita LIKjZO!A, and lobe no Suhstitute. WVholonaLe fno'u Lokola Limited. G;lasgow. rjEETH..-A COMPLETE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... yard.e TOUR VERY IMPORTANT BARGAIF ?? FS Lot l.-LADIES 4 and 6 BUTTON KID OL ;L2 h-ci. were sold as high as is hd the pair; pick for Is 45'J. - LAMPS ! LAMPS ! LAMPS!I MARVELLOUS VALUE THIS WEEK.-i2s 64 Erects Lamp, with Best Duplex Barner, Globe, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ana PROVISIONS, nra feder-c The oc-cI ronprises hems, baron, cheese,hterma-cl -frt-; ;gorie, tea, ru~ffeo, Cocoas, jams, pick-les, canned goods. nuti ia2'd tie Fixturef are neerly crew, an include mabogancy Lc) i~Tb. ' outotrs, cheletug, massive brass ...