... excitement by the charlatan arts of the Dumnas and Sue school of tic- tion-;noligers, goes clutching and tearing through their garbage volumes with an avidity which leaves him no real thought for the author's work, inasmuch as it is that reader's own nature ...

Literary Extracts

... possessed the faculty of touching the heart by his th 5 this voice without deviating into anything like theaitrical display, in pick; beyond any orator I ever heard in public. His deep tones, Ic tar in'. whlich occurred very rarely, and very shortly, and only ...


... butter for the break- fast. Other ehildren had already commenced the day's usual routine of playing in the gutter, and picking up such garbage as might serve to compensate fer the scantiness of the meal whereof they had partaken in-doors. _ Mysteries of the ...


... -Fofidha, 'when, amidst a hail-storni of shot, Changarnier: handed hi n some splendid Lwild -grapes~ that-^he - had 'just picked,-wsith the words, Hl~ere my dear colonel, take this: you must Want refreshment after such g'lorious- fatigues.'t ?? Amongst ...


... his readers will digest it. The volumes abound in statements equally absurd and false. Throwing the2se on one-side, as the garbage of - a prejudiced, narrow mind, we give the following ex- citing description of A STEAM-BOAT RACE. As it may interest soene ...


... worse than a common pick-purse, ap Not only because his theft's greater, St But, having been taught to do what lie ought, N Because he tarns villain and traitor. He sins not from need, but out of mere greed. The crows, after garbage that lianker, And ravens ...


... what he ought; - I Because he turns'villaidi and traitor. He sins not from need,'but out of mere greed. The crows, after garbage that hanker, And ravens are white-a nice bird is the kite, Compared to the fraudulent banker. - A burglar is bad, and so's ...


... Flay him, attd he is goed fot' tothittg better thsn the imperial etigle that, living, lives a life of prey, and dying, is garbage, even as the leonilte offal. Hotsdiffereit the pig! Inuhis lifelhe is quiet-ve mean of course wttet civiltseed, reclaimed ...


... with a loop-hole in It, commanding a view of the temple's f'ont-notbing Intervening be- tween it and the creek but a heap of garbage. The door was within a few yards of the ereek, which runs at a rlght anglo with the main had of the river. It was empty and ...


... approaching fro nm without. In the villages they are tI meat and Clesn, the Vl.feet being swept, and ail garbage- hi except, indeed, the w, 't--picked bones of their human sub- d, jeets-is threwn oat. t After visiting the house assigned me, I wras taken ...


... In his last days the brilliant gambler had no one to smooth his pillow but a lorette, whom he saw when he was near death picking from his shelves his choicest specimens of old Sevres china, on which, turning to his doctor, he said with a smile, Qu'elle ...


... raw ham and sausages that she had eaten. d Pork is the dangerous meat, the pig gets trichinse by eating dead rats and other garbage, and if the pig's flesh p be not so thoroughly cooked as to kill the worms it may n carry living trichinae into the human ...