Advertisements & Notices

... 2186 deaths for enca lts ' in the month. The Reegstrar - (Jenerall a Let ?? return, makes tie followre,, marks upo u infant mortality -- In tne ;. ' eight great towns the oeaths cf IaNs in the proportioz of 231 to 1,000 regit. ri and 61. 6bove the teneral ...

Advertisements & Notices

... intelligent and educated matron to each group of buildings, possessed of the requisite tact for the duties, not only would infant mortality be reiluced, but the health and appearance of the children would be materially improved. Bearing in mind the difficulty ...

Advertisements & Notices

... system of sewerage, house drainage, and scavenging, is brig] ic/ the cause of much disease, and an undue rate of infant chiel all mortality, and in variout indirect ways is causing con. - T tin siderable loss. I think that no effort should be spared with ...

The Rate of Mortality in France.-In the course c-f the report drawn up th. C*ramut*e the Chamber which th* Govern

... The Rate of Mortality in France.-In the course c-f the report drawn up th. C*ramut*e the Chamber which th* Govern meat Bill fer Protection th* Public Health was re.'.rrod, scm* Terr striking, not s*y alarm tag, statistics ar* auduced, to the ure*nt ...

Differknch of Tastes.—ln takinar new house, the tirst thooght of the woman is, where stall the piano be pat ?

... Wen if the average rate of mortality in corresponding weeks ten previous year 3 had prevailed. 41 Elegant Cough Remedy. Martin'* balsam of horehonnd and the* fines: ugh remedy ever prepared ; safe and agreeable for the infant, and a single doga will give ...

Export on Borwick's Baking Powder, by Dr. ass ALL. — I have subjected Borwick's wellcnown Baking Powder to very ..

... that a high local mortality of children must almost necessarily denote a high local prevalence those causes which determine a defeneration of race. Debility, or imperfect nutrition, retrnlates, so t* speak, rate of infantile mortality. The debilitated ...

On Wednesday morning an explosion of gnu occurred in a flue at the extensive corn mill of Messrs J. Greenwood

... itself, sufficient recommendation of Whitten's True Unscented Teas. Infant Life.—There is doubt that the Registrar-General's reports and statistics relating** to mortality amongst infants would show very marked improvement if one of the simplest domestic ...


... measles. The annual rate of mortality to persons living iu the eight towns, which in the two previous weeks had been 27*2, and 281, was hist week 2J'2. In London prevailed during last week the lowest annual rate of mortality, in tho eight towns, '«S per ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Heartburn, Headache, Gout, and Indigestion. The oafest and most gentle aperient for delicate crnstitutions, ladies, children, and infants. Of all Chemists. GOUT and RHEUMATISM cured by the use of Dr. LAVILLE'S CURATIVE LIQUOR or PILLS. Sold by all Chemists, price ...

Advertisements & Notices

... annual rate of mortality per 1,000 persons estimated to be living in the eleven towns, which in the two previous weeks, had been 23'7 and 26 0, was last week 26 2. Bristol again during last wveek enjoyed the lowest annual rate of mortality, 19 0 per 1,000 ...


... and 11) to diarrhoea, of which 13 were of infants under two years of age. The return from Manchester shows considerable improvement. In Bristol again prevailed during last week the lowest annual rate of mortality, 23*8. The rates in the other towns, ranged ...