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Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... the body this remarkable preparation penetrates. It disappears under the friction of the hand, as If itwere literally drawn inward by some internal force, and per. forms its healing errand rapidly, safely, and without pain. Simple eruptions, open sores ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tlhisl ealing Ointment far more reaoily Peelnratesthrougil nay bone ortleohy part of the living body, ting ihe mobt dangerous inward ooraplaiots, that cannot he tecciul by other means. ?? ItLIEUMATISM AND SCORBUTIC d *iU18--Nctoretuedy line cver done so ...

Advertisements & Notices

... conddential treatment, they are enabled 'ce parantce a safe and speedy cure to those wbo are suffer- gtran any of the above complaints. The systew which -..rssrs Day adopt does not require confdnement, change of dietor hiiidmrnce from business. Fae-Ten Shillings ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the body this remarkable preparation penetrates. It disappears under the friction of the band, as if It were literally drawn inward by aome internal force, and per. forms fti healing errand rapidly, safely, and without patn. Simple eruptions, open sores ...

Advertisements & Notices

... litue opeadlu~ on bthesurfaci of our bodies. Throu b tbeda ?? Oinutent, whei rubbed on the skin, is carried to thy 5t gu or inward i1 . Iseas of tbe Kidneys, disorders of tbe Wer, ?? of A100 Heairt, lflsammation of the Lungs, Apth Si. Coughs and Cld4, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... po~uilgs on tha surface of our bodies. Through o thore this Ointmeti Wien robbed err 1the skln, is carrned to any - nrgsnor Inw~ard pact. DiOasea ci thle Kaidneys, disorders Of the luioraettbugbon andf tcie hlot, hatammalon of the Lunge, Aeth. Ckro a Col ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Otlittle openings ou tle surfc, Jfour ic, es. Through these this Ointment, when rubsbed ou WSe skin, lecarried to any organ or Inward part. Diseaseg of tboh Kdneys, disorders of the Liver, alkctione of the Heart, ilaminmaotou of the Lungs, Asth- ma, Coughs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... little openings on the surfac, ifour bce es. Through these tiie Ointment, when rubbed oil tfoe skin, Is carrled to any Drganor Inward part. Diseases of the Kidneys, disorders of the Liver, affections of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Asth- nse, Coughs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... inconvenience, or expenot, constipation, Indigestion (dyspepels), dlarrhoa, phlegm dysentory, nervousness, bIliousness, and lver complaints, flatu- lc, dlitenseon, Acidity, heartburn, palpitation of the heart, nerv'os headache, deasness, noises in the head and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... little openings on the surface of our bodies. Through these tilis Ointment, when rubbed ol the skin, Is carried to any organ or inward part. Diseases of the Kidneys, disorders of the Liver, aflfetiona of tlhe Heart, Inflammation of the Lunge, Aatis- mas, Coughs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... little openinso on the surface of our bodies. Through ttese tills Ointment, whan rubbed on the skin, Is carried to any Organ or inward part. Diseases of the Kidneys, disorders of the f Liver, allections o tlhe Heart, intuaomation of the Lungs, Aath- S raes ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the use of snereury, capivi, or any of b those dangerous compounds which are Iisvariably used by ' the unskilful tli these complaints. Patients whose cases have been badly treatei, neglected, or pronounced incurable are particularly Invited to pay Messrs ...