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Newcastle Courant


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Newcastle Courant

Advertisements & Notices

... ZUT1AI REMEDb 2o1t ?AIb IN TnE C OHEST, COUGHS, & BOWEL COMPLAINTS. LoEwwS aESTORATIVE BALSAM, an effectual Cure for Ba)wel Attacks, IJ.fluoenza, Coughs, Colds, Pains in the Chest, ana all inward Disorders. It warms andstrengthens the Stiamah, restores ...

Advertisements & Notices

... efficacious in the following complaints:-' A gus Dysentery Liver Coin- Secondary A sthuma Er'sipetuis plaints Symoptuns, ?? Tic Moaoreus Blotches on the larities Piles Turnours Skin Fevers of all Rhieumatism Ulcers Bowel Complaints kinds Retention of Venereal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WHIITE, 228, PICCADILLY, LONDON. C CHEST, COUGHS, & IdOWEL COMPLAINTS. LOtWES'S RES~TORATIVE isALSAMt, an eftectual Core for Eowel Attacks, Influenza, Coughs, Colds, Pains In the Chest, arid all Inward Disorders. It warms and strengthens the Stomach, restores ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SERTAIN REIEDY FORw PAINS IN THE o1 CHSTT ('OUGIRS, & BOWEL COMPLAINTS. anl E~OWVES'S RESTORATIVE BALSAM, an effectual cure for Sta 7l Aliacisd, Infuenza, Coughs, Colds, Pains in the Chest, af doll inward Disorders. It wnmar and strengthens the wr act restores ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fORD'S PECTOR AL BALS A31 OF EHORE - OO HOIJND, 'For tbe relief and Cure of Coughs, Influenza, Asthonasand ,i lultnonary Complaints. 'hce ?? Properties of the herb Horehound, and its Efiic~v in those Diseases which affect the Lungs and Re. piratOiY Organs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BLheXJHIAS RoAD. TORD'S 'EOTORAL BALSAM OF HRiuE- jiOHOUND, For the ll;ef and Cure of Coughs, nlueuza, Atha, and gil Pulmonary Complaints.' The Bal.,wlde Properties of the herb Hlotehotirid andaits 3Dffiacy in tl-ne Diseases which affect the Lungs and Re- spiratory ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of charneter probably never before pointed out. c FEMALE COMPLAINTS. K EiRSLEY'S ORIGINAL WIDOW WELCH'S FI PILLS, Bo long and justly celebrated for their peculiar Virtues, in Femssale Complaints, and strongly recom. ti mecided even by Menubers of the Faculty ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FCR'TAlf RiTIAIDY FOR PAINS IN THE- C ?? (IOUGHS. &B UWEL COMPLAINTS. LOwiLs' s r, l TOllATIVE BALSA&M, an effectual cure for )3owrl AttaCkS, Influenza, Cougbs, Colds, Pains in the Chest, snd all inward Dirorders. It warms and strengthens the Stomach, restores ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fERTAIN REMEDY FOR PAINS IN THE C J CHEST, COUGHS, & BOWEL COMPLAINTS. LOWES'S RESTORATIVE BALSAM, an effectual cure for Bowel Attacks, Influenza, Coughs, Colds, Pains in the Chest, and all inward DisorderB. It warms and strengthens the Stomach, restores ...

Advertisements & Notices

... any complaint of the stomach or lvr, so long as the patient hss not tried them. The pills are evidently emphatically what they are represented to be, viz., an excellent remedy for any derangement of the digestive organs, nausea, liver complaints, &c.-I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r8RTAIN REMEDY FOR PAINS IN THE CELEST, COUGRS. & BOWEL COMPLAINTS. (OWES'S RESTORATIVE BALSAM, an effectual cure for Bowel Attacks, Influenza, Coughs, Colds, Paine in the Cheat, and all inward Disorders. It warms and strengthens the Stomach, restores ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ERTAIN REMEDY FOR PAINS IN T HE CjOREST, COUGHS, & BOWEL COMPLAINTS. LOWES'S RESTORATIVIE ALSAM anefeectual Cure for Bowel Attacks, Influenza, Coughs, Colds, Pains in the Chest, and all Inward Disorders. it iwarmz end strengthfns the ,tmah esorslot Apjpetite ...