Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Rev. W. Wisoort IL.A th. Mr. John Wea',er Bateman. of Kendal, to Margaret, daughter Of De- Mr. Anthony Hudson, of this city. - On the 18th inst. at St. John's Church, by the The. J. H, IMaguire, Johm, only son oifMr. John W~rigley, of Salford. to 2 givaetduhe ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Wet!'ari ii,;o Iniverness, ass~isted by Rsev. WV. L. XX ii , Ale shees, Thomas9 A. Xzilerson^, Bal- I, ?? ?? Ma h~rgret, thirtl dlaughter of the * -V~~ 1?.vth, *JP., Ross- shire. ,, II~l~nrIt St Anldrew's C hurch, Bocm- liii, e,- Oct her 29, by the 1Ecv ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Sasannah Deavys. FOUtGEg.-20th ult., at Horstend, Norfolk, Rachnel, widow of John Foulger, aged 92'. PATrisoN.-200l tilt., at the Bank Efeuse, Halstead, Joshua, second son of the late John Pattison, aged 2S years. HAWttE.-20th ult., at Wickhrim.markot, aged 82 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... flowers, Ai.r. JoHN itonsoon, weolsurter, to SARAH, only daug~h'b loieo] ter of the late SIr. War;- C:Acao, mafson, s)tley. Some dlay, at Leeds, Sir. Tesos. Bear, tailor, to MTine SARAcs a ry On Monday, sat itartwlit chapel, Sir. JoHN PAsLEtt Of Otley ...