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Advertisements & Notices

... ot miad to Ortisa a fry og howeitoe - MI BED POTATOER-Barly P ?? SBEDS3.-G. & W AT e YATES, Seed Medmts anod NumBent Market lloo KMazheI. EAtab~lid 11 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H1amburg POTATOES (Kerupe)I, erown in dluk and light veii, fresh huportation, in flratelam aonditlhi. Aloe, a ualitiLY of SrED POTATOE.-.Addcremi V'WacrelhuRafl, at Cornoes, Dilokon-reteet or P 0 B, 348, 11verpool. .Iap7 ON SALE, SEED POTATOES. itt Tenr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ten, ?? in Romnan numneral. 5 Wiilian Rigby.-lif the landlord plants potatoes in his tenant's gairden after the comnmencement of the ts:an y, the tenant is either entitled to the potatoes S or daunges, for trespass. t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J. 1RCo100 Morflt WO.thWl, 10, g Mryst-et. Pznly ter. ESPABISES) E~t¶IYFOU YE & W. 1870. SEED GATALOGU, flow reAdy.-.&W POTATOES, the earliest in cultivoitio.- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 100 Barrel American APPL1ES, Ox Peinyra, 200 1lge13giglan POPATOOEM, x King of the Bdellans. 40F 1olghnm POTATOE.9, Ox Norway. 10. ag Belgian POTATOES, ex WNatmnoreland. e00 Mle Boay9DATES, ox Tionra.r 88 Mate Bombay DATES ext. Packer. 808 EageBarcelona ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Suits; lson for BoneMe &J1fe ted fromnstock =uU Their celebctmWOVIUWOATS oanbe ?? ade to order at a few buri uotlee. ?? C!IBED POTATOES.-EaI!1y AsheeAf, Mona's Pride, b LaptOne. My&tt'e Pmolfi, E 0il Oxford. &c. k.o s our o. a .lATES. 28, Maiuket Pinot. ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... daggibt Charh-rtroet, Con;aj r Fraay locer, &a- ads, Skipton. Iity, 0 FARMdERS, POTATO GROWERS,- AND ilg- 11 'OTHERS.-JACKSON'S PATENT PREPARATION for ated Preserving Potatoes, Wheat, and other Seeds from disease, the ravages of the slug, wireworm, and grub ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Plnce. ltdabliahed (0 yen. 3.866CSEBD CAT!ALOGUE is now ready, muoh on- l-03. Ar ~ot~ailua lenetiiiactuB. and y beebad BEED POT.ATOES : Mona's Pride, Asbleaf, Hands- orih, OxfOsd l ?? Er W. YATES, 28, Maret PlFce. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... description. Wheat advanced from 2s. to 2s. 6d. per vindle, and meal Is. to Is. 6d. per load. Beans were also higher. Pork and potatoes, sau e as last week. WHEAT, white per windle of 2201bs 36s Od to 39s Od Do., red ?? 35 0 ,, 37 6 FLOUR, superfine, per ...

Advertisements & Notices

... inches. Iu all cases these produetions will be of the Imigheet charcer, and the pla ~ etwihlengbr Is cigmoble of yielding. potato the boat whichthe negative NxtcsiVO improvements have been mlade, and the studio Gan csnfidentW boe Prononnccd ono of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sbout 300 Lots. Partioulars agpply to CaAR LTON B. HALL S 9ONS, 25fenh2 Wine and SDIrit Brokers, 17. Dale-street. POTATOES! POTATOES! POTATOES! (oed Geroen Beds. Rxcellent cookers. Largeconstgamente weekly Prtce Ss. 6d. pe bag o I otw. 27!ainhll G9'OBGE ...