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... Meditine endorainthe Uni- ted Kingdom. Two large bottles generally cure the wotlt cases. N.B.-Her Most Oracions Majesty Queen Victoria pre- sented Mr. Hands with a splendid Engraving of her own Portrait on Novemiber 4tb, 187h.5 Wholesale of SroNa & SoNi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Convo- R atlous of Canterbury and Yov. SOCIE' FOR PROMOflNG CORt3TIAN - RltoWIEDGli c London: Xortbhnperlsn&,dfnuq W 0; 43, Queen Victoria- C Street. B.C. Brighton: 5 IortO etreet. 2Sfe26 S 2qOTI(~. WiU be Published Shortly, It B ARRIE'S LITTLE MINISTER. I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PAPER ENTIRELY FREE OF CEIA~E~, A GRAND JUBILEE GIFT. In commemoration of the Jubilee Year Of Her Most Gracious sraiesty Queen Victoria. we have iletermineid to Plseuet ONE THOUSAND PRIZES, amounting in all to hevalue Of 21,OOQ, entiely freeof chargeto * ...


... to be disloyal to Queen Victoria. As it is not hinted that Roman Catholic teaching in Hull differs from Roman Catholic teaching in any and every other town in Great Britain, we are of course to infer that disloyalty to Queen Victoria is an article of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... for toe Iairor-street schools. %r deteut.yc ou are bond to Paitaye helmll amount asd ,4 1 VXtense the 1tera25 cbaltget Queen Victoria- - t Atres EC' 2. fend in your card. and! cave ?? Ionsrno. &No 'es 'vthr rt;i vpersoli is see ornot. 3.try oteunless ...


... opinions on political subjects, and whose claims to exercise the franchise were indisputable the right of her Majesty Queen Victoria to over the British Empire, have confessed that they were weary of attending year after year in the courts to preserve ...

Advertisements & Notices

... family are not the same faith. has 1 Q- -The Parliament jnst elected is the thirteenth Sit C .tujg the reign of her Majesty Queen Victoria. Ar. 04 lntitrito Boy.-You can surely obtain all the the rnation you want by making privatc inuniry. retic .C. .lJmns ...

Advertisements & Notices

... beyond what sp- teared in our paper. AnAx B., Oldhasr.-The London and Provincial Hors| and Oarriage Insurance CompaDny, 17, Queen Victoria- street, London. WAVaRaBT.- Ile does cot receive a pension, but bad £6Iwo a year vbhilt Premier. No; his grandfather was ...

Advertisements & Notices

... oorns: Arcy~e-street, ?? m . It~sr Prr4;CUBS ii'eCC ActcrttszcmenWt TO CORPIESPONDEN.TS. ?? Stauley of Preston. g _s-The Queen Victoria is a paddle-wheel ?? 10L1 TFC L.-Tbo statemsnt has not been contratdicted. c im' sFL_-Lfd~ IChurchill wase born in February ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ways what other correspondents have written on the same subject. ST. GEORGR'S HALL.-INQUIREP.-On the coronation da at Queen Victoria, -Mr. Charles Lawrence, as the daimnian of St. George's Hall committee, presented .hpjtrawel to the Mayor, Mr. William ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of flesssCaseel. PrinceArthur Willian Patrick AItert, Duke of Staxony, Prince of Ooburg and flotba, to lia tired scO of Queen Victoria, and was born tt Iay, 1650. ?? ?? - - I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 6d. T E PETIT PRECEPTEUR; or, Ymt IJ M sto French Conversation. By F. GaANDnEAU, formerly reno M Master to her Majcety Queen Victoria, Anthorof W Converations Familize' &c. SO Woodcuts. New snd cheap Edltion (the 53rdSU unabridged. Cloth. Is 6d. Jr E PETIT ...