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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE QUEEN'S BIRTH DAY. LIST OFr HONOUtS. Her mrajesty Queen Victoria, Queen of Great I Britain and Ireland and Empress of India, will attain her 68th year to-day, havirg been born at Kenaiigton Palace oe May 24, 119. This is an age which has been exceeded ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Papal Nuncin, Monsignor Nava di Bontifi; General Baron von Loe and General Gardiaer representing the Emperor William and Queen Victoria respectively ; and niembers of the Diplomatic Body, with their wives, together with the Ministers of State and representatives ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... and royal pisty. It was published by the order and with the sanction of ueen Victoria herself. . . . A sentiment fall of good feeling in- I spired this publication. Queen Victoria felt the necessity of 0 making known, honoured, and loved by all, him whom ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... there, to Mi JOHN ROBE, Waggon Manager, .at nrerury Mills. ' At London, by the Rev.Idk*ard Day, Capt. XoHaNRpcD, of the Queen Victoria of Londong to ELIZA, youngest daughter of the late Capt. Jobhn Wood of 'Abrdeen. Deaths. At Helburn Place, on -tb6lthinSt ...

BIRTHS. At 176 West

... Proud, from Mallaga at Glasgow. Recah, Moore, from Bombay at Glasgow. St. Lawnrenca, Blyth, from Quebec at Greenocl. Queen Victoria, -, from the Clyde and IHavie at Quebec- Canada ?? Lang, from Liverpool at Halifax. Medora, Round, from Malaga at Glasgow ...

BIRTHS. At 31 Elmben

... Parliament has adopted the Confeu deration scheme. Mr. Scarlett has arrived at Mexico, and deliveredl an autograph letter from Queen Victoria recognising the Emperor Maximilian. BRITISH COTTON IN THE SOUTHERN STATES. Mr. Layard, Under.Secretary for Foreign Affairs ...