... bearer the sumn of 31. Ili. for ciothes received. ce G. HALS. b The prisoner said lie lived at No. 20, Gloucester-street, 84 Queen-square. h The witness, in continuation, said the prisoner put on the clothes before coming down stairs, and afterwards they ...


... INQUESTS. On ?? v lato, a female of respectable appearance = lembarked at Dublin, in the Queen Victoria steamer, for Liverpool. She gave her name as Miss Smith, and said K she was a cabin passenger. During the voyage she E complained of being indisposed ...


... tire Court I rose soon after twelve o'clock. Two ijudgmsents are fixedI for to-morrowr by the Master of tire R lls COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH. [Sittings in Barico.]l Thlis was tire first day of term. The court sat at ten C c os'clock. The judges who took their ...


... communicate between the docks and the Camdlen-town station of the North. Wlesternl. The act passed in the 9th and 10th year of the Queen, and having incorporated the Lands Clauses and the R~ailway Clauses Acts, it provided, that such part and parts of the railwasy ...


... order is as follows Vice-Chsancellor of Eigland. Monday, Dec.10, in the Mr. Monro, Regr. 13th year of the reign C.C. of ?? Queen Victoria, 1849. Between the Company of Proprietors of the Grand Junction Canal-Plaintiffs. W. Dimes and others-Defendants. Whereas ...


... appeared very fond of deceased, and she of them. Witness lead frequently heard Mr. Wombwell say he wished there was no lion queen. Witness thought that if she had kept the whip from the animal it would not have attacked her. Deceased had never exhibited ...

Law Intelligence

... charged upon the loan. Mr. Miller, who was counsel for tine fahadefendant, relied upon the act of ?? of the 2ad and 3tos:rd of Victoria, -rap. 87, eec. 1, which, although it eruedje 'n&,Ithat more, than &, per cent, iut, teat maight be chargei upon bills of ...


... upon specific grounds; but he would grant the first part of the application, for the payment of the taxed costs, COURT OF QUEEN'S B13 NCfI-SATURDAY. In consequenceof its being understood that judgment would be to-day given in the Lord Mayor's case much ...


... COURT OF QUEEN'S BENC YT I The Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Crampton, ,d , . 'Perrin took their seliats on the bench at elej5 O'cl Justice Moore, was absent Owing to indisposiltih. ~T51I CASE OF THE nOUL XYeD n)a8 *Mr. Justice Perrin procceeded to delive ...


... contempt of court Ike was committed, and is now confined, in the Queen's Prison. Mr. Daniel now asked leave to give notice of a motion for the discharge of Dimes. The prisoner had been before the Queen's Bench on a hatbe, but he had been remanded in consequence ...

Law Intelligence

... consequeace of such tet agreement. the, plalntiffi withdrew their opposition to the auf caion saan et as~gge inthe10& II of Victorias M. ahoth ngthe sai eade ht'te'ro~pshi Union Railway ffto the London and North Weetern Railway Compnyn 11 perpetuity on the ...


... then. The next case-that of the Dundalk and Enniokillen Rail.. way Company v. Kane-was also postponed on the same ground. et QUEEN'S BENCH-SATURD)AY SITTINGS AT NeSt F1itus AFTER a1,at The Right Hon. the Lord Chief Justicle sat at half-past ten o clock, ...