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Liverpool, Lancashire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... per annum.-Applieatlon, with tcstuioslola, tohe aldressedt tobe Treasurer, and sent in on or before the 2nd proxf mo. G. SANDBACH, President. Parliament-street, May 20, 1863. 21ray27 1IjRS. STEVENS, LADIES' REGISTRY, 83, Russell- M airet, , under the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Esq. Thomas Ripley, Esq. W. F. Foster, Esq. Henry Royds, Esq. Robertson Gladstone, Esq. I Henry R. Sandbach, Esq. Richard Griffith, Esq. W. R. Sandbach, Esq. J. Pemberton Heywood, Esq. Samtiel H. Thompson, Esq. fe Wtl m Domningr Hlt, REq. |Joseph N. W~alker ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Quick throutfI trains from all parts to Great Malvern. SEVE5NOAKS SCHOOL, KENT. sHED MAwyxtc, G. HESLOP, M,A., ?? Master of Sandbach Grammar School Sevenoaks is First Grade. 500 feet above sea. Beautiful surroundirns. Olost healthy and bracing. Strong iodern ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Arab Rushton Joseph Sr as un el~oardear itashton Miss, soubrette, time of Louis XV Buxton G. IL, Indian drews S Sandbach Mr rifte uniform Sandbach WiTIam Ri. In. the uniform of depaty. lieutenant Saivin Thornton, Arab costume Batavia Miss, fancy dress Saunders ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gysnanasin. Preparation dr Lal examina- tionn i.rcesseicnnl and bonineses lfe, Modern e fees.-Ad- dress George Heslop, M.A ,, Sandbach School, near Crewe. 22ausell1 II OIrIDAY TUITION -Ladies and Gentlemen re r.apidly and practically irstructed in the following ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mnoral training. R ford is . ?? termsaply t*o J. Swan. BA., ?? Bank. The Sehool RE-OPENS on the 16thI lastaut, 121*22 ,, SANDBACH SOHOOL.-Head Matater, IS ?? 5, wih high Classical Honours, late Scholar of St. John', rt College, and University Priezman ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Exchange-buildings, WI SUGAR 14Hogsheavds Crystailised, t UBarrels Crystellised. t Ex lailtearn., from Demerara, L Messrs Sandbach, Tinne, and Co., merchants. 18jy22 AGN~EW, JONES, & Co.. Brokers M ..en OIL 9riday next, the 22nd instant, at One o'cock ...

Advertisements & Notices

... prs-psred for aU EXsminatioons. -48, BEDFORD-Sr., LIVERPOOL 29ase4 SANDBACH SCHOOL, CHESHIRE. :S. A large number of ENTRANCE SCHOLARSIErPS O pe to Competition, September 8 and 9. Sandbach is a mo0a6 sucoessful Publio School, at very moderate fees. Beautiful ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Exchange-buildirgs, PC srA J174 Hogsheadis Crygta-ljised SUGAR { 690 Barrels Crystallised. T] x Eiltearn, from Demerara. Messrs. Sandbach. Tinna, and Co, merchants. t 9jy20 AGNEW, JONES, & 00, Broker, or am THUIRSD AY. th u ?? I On Thursday next, the Z1st instant ...

Advertisements & Notices

... per annur .-Applicatlon, with testiasonials, tobeeddressedto theTreassurer, and sent in on or before the 2nd prosimo. G. SANDBACH, President. Parliament-street, May 20, 1863. 21my27 ke d A BROAD--WANTED, arespertable FEMALE ?? asd AtaLady going to Travel ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and References to Purrits' Parelts, address Alpha,' AsheId, Breck-road, ~iverpool. ' 14ju29 ADIES' DIOCESAN SCHOOL, ,, SANDBACH. ]'.iucipala-Mrs. CHARPENTIER, Miss LEA Chem .itry and Mathematics-Robert C. Irene, Esq. Modern Languages-Dr. Von Gott Hieber ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and'adjoins the estates of Lord Alvanley, Handle Wilhraham, Esq., Captain he Barnston, and the trustees of tho late William Sandbach, Esq. Wr- 2. An excellent Piece of LAND, near to Lot1, celled John- ,re son's Croft, situatesloein the townshfp of Duddon ...