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North West, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... made the most remarkable running ever made by a ship or steamer, and stands unrivalled oa the most perfectly modelled ship afiloat. Her accommodatinn for all classes of passengers are equal to those of any ship in the world, and as a fast and comfortable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Manchester. d Bs 51t NOVEMBER, 11i9I. Ml C.The Firat-class Powerful Steamers as ag of the 3 50 CORE STEAMSHIP C031PANY Ship. Tons. CAPt. Ship, Tons. CapI. AvtiiET ?? 'M00RUsEt . ..11S- Dobson BItercitte ?? 81.. Fay ?? .Fraier LoWT ?? 0.. Booth PTAttstXGAt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the most remarkuble running ever made by a ship or steamer, and stanids unrivalled as the most perfectly mcdelled abip afloat. ii Hsr accoimnodatlon forall classes of passengers are equal to .e those of any ship In the world, 'and as a fast and comfortable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of the Now Merchant Shippin Act, which is as follows:- No person shall be entitled to carry in any ship, or to reuniro the master or owner of any ship to) carry therein. aquator-tle, nil of Vitriol, gunpowder, or any other goods which, in the Judgment ...

Advertisements & Notices

... has tent spared to make her througutout equal to cIL lhe finebt ship or a~eamer Afloat. is Her cabins are sumptuously furnishod, Ana, possess every de convelsience to be found on board ship, iccludieg tbathroou, RE Iiibrary, &c. Her sceoud eat-lice ace ...

Advertisements & Notices

... well'known m Imperial Mail Steamers of the NoI German ] Oes fro Loyd are cepatched rewulsrly Jery month v If. from Antwerp. Next depature will be the HAJ3SBUERG ?? 3094 toni, May 19 ry ird-clvws Fzres to Ade]aide, Melbourne, eind Sydney ?? .. 14 14S. - rough ...

Advertisements & Notices

... well-known I I : mprial mail eeamers of tbe North German 1 . _ Sod are dexpatched regularly vry ?? onth I frm Anrwers,. ;ext depature wrill be the EtABSBtRG , ?? 3094 tons, DecM 3L_ , hiri-clas Fares to Adslatdo, M~eibourne, and] ISydneyh3 a 6 d _ Tlwnh ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUSTRALIA,-The well-lkowfn imperil ?? Steamers of the North Garmtan i1loyd are depatched regularly every mouth from An~srp. Next depature will on~be the SAW.LR.3084 ~~tons. lcd 2Iovsnimbe ThW -clae3 Fares to Adelaide, lMelbourne, and a.dney , . . ,14 . Grirosby ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AT CLAYTON HALL o Are the only rceasions on which this diitingulshed Artiste can poesibly appeor In E~ngland prior to her depa.ture for America. Eve-y Evenihg at ELight, except Siturdt-.ys, when a Morning Performarice takes place at Half-past Two. nit! ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CLAYTON HAlL L Are the only occasions on which this distinguished Artiste can Cb possibly appear in England prior to her depa.ture for America. Every Evening at Eight, except Saturdays, when a Morning Performance takes place at Half-past Two.rac Boxes ...

Advertisements & Notices

... maeseicent Frigaro-buillt CBIpnr 8htD DONALD MACA A'Y, CapDtai lUll~Aum^S; 26 9 Tons Registr. 60110 Tnones urthen ' Thin leviathan ship Mce bUlit eCpreeoly for ' the Bleck daU Eiae bv Donald Makay. 11es., bulrder of the l,ight- ing, ChTapiton of tweSe Glasg ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Indeotructable by Damp, Soft to the Tread, ased W Wa, Warm to the Feet. Well adapted for Stone Floors, Carriages Pr iks and Ships'Uce. tlu Lrd _ 42, SOUTH CASTLE-STREET. IVULCANISED SHEET RUBBER, for I ?? Purposes, Valves, Socket and Ilae_ Washers, Packing ...