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... ascertained, but it supposed they will, least, make ample provision tor Mrs. Hawcth, the event of that being requisite, A singular story is >at, the effect, that the day after the foneral a person, who was in'imately connected with Mr. Hawortb, caused removed ...


... Celebrated Pair of Bagpipes.—A gentleman in tins town sends us tho following extract from Canadian paper, describing the hi story of pair bagpipes, which he says, have been playing for him in Inverness during the Christmas holidays:— At the procession ...


... ber. ' Of tbia dreary trntb am cad example. 44 Yon Lillywbite t said Angelica. 44 Listen, aaid the old maid. 44 'Tis a short story ; but worth yonr hearing. nineteen, w«s about be married. Abont, did aay ? Why, the day waa fiied; I waa in my bridal drees ...

Her Majesty, we are informed, will not open the next Session of Parliament in person. We have reason to believe

... city Lunatic Hospital of a very peculiar character. A mother and daughter both became inmates, and were placed in the same story of the building, where thay had access the same hall. They met and recognized each other, though one bad left the other years ...


... Mare. Mrs. Fry, who is considerably advanced in years, at the time the accident happened was in the act of passing down a short flight of stone steps leading to the back part of the premises, and it is sur mised that her light having been extinguished ...

Harmonic Society.—The meeting of the members of this Society, the Assembly Rooms, on Friday, the 18th inst., ..

... especial, perfect ; is scarcely possible to conceive that Parry has not ensured the services of a confederate. A serious story of the St. Gothard— M arie Roussetaud Pierre Muller—gives Mr. Parry admirable scope for his wonderful mastery over the p ...


... the 'Fury.' On the 16th we reached Chookshan, which the pirate fleet had left fire days before, and we found the same sad story of town destroyed, men murdered, and taken away, that mark liis track along the coast. On the 18th we fell in with one of his ...

Meeting of Protectionist Members of the House of Commons Lord Stanley's.—A very numerous meeting of members of ..

... of the moneys received by him. Professor Sedgwick at Scarborough.—lllustrative of Professor Sedgwick's humour for a joke, a story is told, that when once on a visit to Scarborough, where he had engagement to dine, he stopped the way side, and perching himself ...

From ??? LONDON GAZETTE, Friday. Feb. 8

... those of Bandon against 'Turk, Jew, or Atheist. As beginning, Mr. Richard Oevereux, of Wexford, has contributed donation of Stories of Cats.—A young woman residing at Hulme, Manchester, went recently to see some friends at Macdesfield, and on her return ...

It is stated that Mrs. Beasley, who stands accused on the coroner's i.H.uisition of the mnrder husband and sa t

... commercial and manufacturing towns England and Scotland through more than one thousand five hundred miles of way, besides short branches. According to the Presse Mr. Brett's contract for the sub-marine line from Calais to Dover, binds him to have it completed ...


... and Co., halters. In the basement story was the engine and the blacksmith's shop, where there were about twelve men work, besides the engineer and his brother. The engine was connected with the second and third stories, where the machine-shop was situated ...