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Lothian, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... Bond and Disposition in Security, L I and Whole ithe Pnrmtsrs, No. 29, NORTH B3RIDGE _1 EDINBURGH, being the FIRLST FLAT or STORY (with the exception of the Room in the north-west corner), ABOVE THE SHOPS, occupied by Messrs A. & C. Black, bookseloers, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lence. ANTO-N ClWUBS & SONS. Lotdon. VALUABLE SALMON FISIIINCGS IN THEa RiMVE 2 DI)EVEION NEAL! BANTFF. f) trAWiG to tduc shortness of time for receiving Offers, thc | roj lseroaitoros have rcsolued to WLTIITIHAW I THE l ISIiNGS; In tne present setason ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL FIAMII;.Y, the same as Exhibited hv commandl at WVindsor Castle, is now OIrat In EnuyiEUcGIot: nand will contihue for a short time. TThe following Resolutions wer,e -NANtIetOt-SLr ADOPTED IbV t ?? SENATE. andl IlousL of IEPRESENTATIVcr S in tile UNITL;t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MIAJESTY THE QUEEN, H. R. H. PRINCE ALBERT, And the ROYAL FAMI'Y, at Windsor Castle, now Open at hbe WATERLOO ROOMNS, for a short time only, every Evening at Half-past Seven, and ott Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons, an extra Exhibition will take place ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GAIIDEN-GROUND attached, situated C in ORPMISTON, as presently occupied by Mr John IHIerdman. t The House consists of Two Stories, is in excellent repair, and will form a suitable country residence for a genteel family. v The Qround attyc*e4 to ;he House ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S C E L LA N Y. B CONTAINS:- THE LADDER OF GOLD. An English Story. Br ROr3ERT BELL, Author of T Warside Pictures. BooK THE SECONDD: CnAr-raR IV. In which time advances faster than the Story. CHAPTER V. In which Richard Rawlings extends the sphere of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MATCHLESS SCENE OF ORIENTAL G RANDEU R They have therefore made thin Admission so as to he arail- able to all classes, FOR A VERY SHORT TIME ONLY. Open DAily from Tea till Five, and from Seven till Ten. UNRIVALLED SAX-HORNT BAND!! THIS EtVENINGV. QUEEN STREET ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PIANO FORTES. -IiR PURDIE having h1td a few more PIANO FORTES Jj returned from Eire, hegs to eay he wili continue for a -short time to offer them fur Sale It eqalily low Prices with rihose latelv Sold. Several Excellert SQUARES with Metallic Plate, Ac ...

Advertisements & Notices

... April. rAMES DO WELL will DOsPosS oF by Public Auction as CT above, a Select Assortment of HOUSEHOLD FURNI- TURE, supplied at short time ago by one of the first Houses in town, and uncounmonly well kept, embracing a Suit of Draw- ing-room Furniture of Rosewood ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sterling. TWO DWELLI'NG-HOUSES in~ NO.1094 ROSE STREET.- presiently ot-cup~ed by Mr M;\'Phersea and Mr Either, being the Upper Story of that Tenement on the So~uthi Side of 'lie Street, between Castle Street and Charlotte Street. Rent Lr7U eah. ?? 6s. sterling ...

Advertisements & Notices

... only out during the past sea'on, are nearly as good as new. In order to make I room tor the Nuw Stock, the above will, for a short time, be ofrered at such low Pr-ices as nim-st insture an immediate Sale. Also, several Excellent Sing>le and jlouble Action ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Statement of the Princi- ples on which that change depends, and an Historical Introduction.-William Shoolbred, and Robent Story, Roseneath Manse, eqpnsl; James Wilson, Fife. Latin Elegiacs-1. John Stuart. Normal School, Castle Hill, Edinburgh ; 2. J. ...