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Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... Aberdeen: A. BRowys & Co. Just Published, TXOLY MEN OF OLD; being Short Notices of such asar HI. named in the Calendar of the English Church . - Domy 18mo., cloth, 3s. DEEDS OF FAITH : Stories for Children from Church His. tory. By the Rev. J. M. NEALE, Warden ...

Advertisements & Notices

... this and tile 15th lnst. Newton of Baiqulhain, by Pitcaple, y 5th February, 1S50. Short . trn Zunl Calves, fir Zale, AT PIitItRIESIILL, NE AR IIUNTLY. OUR Pure Bred SHORT-HORN BULL CALVES, from 9 to El 1 mon' hs old, and of superior quldity, the property ...

Advertisements & Notices

... inform Breeders and Adiuirers of' W SHORT-HORNS, that he haisbeen favoured with inha c tions from UrTOD, ELPHINSTONE TOWER, to ell, by'Auetion, on TUEsDAY, March 19th, 1850, the Entire.-Erd, consisting of ly .50 SHORT-HORN BULLS, COWS, and HEIFERS. Aso ...

Advertisements & Notices

... place, - Manures of every description are obtainable on easy terms. The Dwelling-Rouse is very commodious-consisting of three stories, and containing almple aecommodation for a gentleman's ftamily;.while, attached to it, trero is an extensive and ptoduc- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... place Manures of every description are obtainable on casy tcrrms. IThe Dwelling-House is very cominodious-consisting of three stories, and containing ample accommoedation fur a gontleman's family; whilo, attalched to it, thore is an extensive and produc- tive ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BARGAIN, jfrff MANSION-HOUSE, GARDENS, and GROUNDS of L .L LOCII-HEAD, withiln about a mile of Aberdeen. Tho louse 0 inof t>wo Stories, containing Th-ec Public Rooms, several Bed- meoms, Bath-room, with Dressing Room attached, and Wit Eloset; and commodious ...

Advertisements & Notices

... afternrooni, TlIE MANSION-HOUSE, GARDENS, and GROUNDS of n LOCH-HEAD, within about a mile of Aberdeen. The House is of two Stories, containing Three Public Rooms, several Bed- roomns, Bath-rooin, with Dressing Room rittachled, arid W1aterl Closet; and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... )Iccleeiastica Jetcrssat. ADAM and CHARLES BLACbx Edinburgh. NOw story of Scottils hIe, ': By the AUTHOR of MARGARET MAITLAND. , NoW Ready, at all the Libraries, in 3.vols., M ERKLAND: A STORY OF SCOTTISH LIFE. iByftfieAutbor of Passages in the Life of Mrs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Public, that lie Will pay his RST PROFESSIO-NAL VISIT to ABERDEEN, for a Fortnight, ux thc 3d of January ; when lie will give short coUrscs of Pli- o ustruetionis in Articulation, Elocution, 01111 the Art of Hle Will also give Advice and Practical Assistance ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Kingdom, tbo Colonies, and Foreign Countrtes SeVlaej'f designs in Outline, illustrative of interesting events in Scottitl story, for which a premium of One Hundred Guineas was iiwarded, has been circulated in like mianner to a large ex- rtent. 4 Abeady ...

Advertisements & Notices

... y Slr,-AfMy eldest son. when about-three years of age, was afflicted with a Glandular Swellingini the neck, which'after a short time brohe. out into an Ulcer.. An emincut mndical man pronounced it a very bad case 'of Scrofela, and prescribed for a co ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QUEYS, in goad condition. 20. Two-year-old STOTS and QUEYS, -tl 'One-year-old ' Do. .,Do. 12 COWS.-- --- , I One-year-old Short-horned.BULL, very promising. Some 'Young CALV-ES- 7 Work HORSES and MARESJ mostly young, and of su- perior quality; I Tio-year-old' ...