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... triumph. 'Hoec I lease dseee three (Duiedry, or done three. 'l'le reader will himself pleacse to pick tise joke out of tileo story.) We close with an extract leaving reference to the late historian of Bristol:- ,'I lead not been at Hlorf'eeld. until my ...


... assistance and counsel have been freely given, and valuable hints been derived from their experience. It is plain that nothing short of a very extensive circulation can at all remunerate the publisher for the expense, which he has not spared, in preparing ...


... of agreeable and instructive reading. A temperate article on the evils of absenteeism is succeeded by Bertha's Cross, a story of more than average merit, with which we may couple, according it the same praise, another tale entitled The Price of Blood ...


... wivchel literally maide my heart ache, and raly eyes overflow, for never did I behold such proofs of human industry. To make short, I took the matter up with interest, collected his letters, and have, ait the expense of mare time than such a poor fellowv ...


... abbe-and who told me the story. Never was a man moreangry, moreconfused atfhisowafolly, orccuttilg a more ridiculous-figure. l-ie was sent home with a promise that his name should not be mentioned: nevertheless, all Paris knsows the story-and the Jesuits are ...


... was done. To a oug act, which relates to soap, paper, parchment, linens silks, ea ieoes, lotteries, and other matters, a few short clauses were added, and the press was pcrippled at once. These clauses put a stamnp-duty of a halfpienny on every pinlted Isaif ...


... government thought fit to send over some short hand writers to take down the harangues. , The first eppearance of the government reporters was at a meeting at Kanturk. 'TIhe gentlemen were Englishmen, says the story, and belonging to Mr. Gurney's reporting ...


... respectfully to them for a log time, but as soon us their grandfathers became old and troublesome, and began to tell locg stories, they immediately ate them: nothing could be more improper, and even disrespectful, than dining ofi such near and venerable ...


... Maurice Tiernay. the Soldier of Fortane, which, judging from the characteristics of style, is from the pen of Lever; and two short pieces, written in a different vein, and respectively entitled '- Billy ialowney's Taste of Love and Glory, and A Night ...


... living originals. The latter are or numerous and well contrasted, ind tie narrative hasthusseveral a elemenits necessary for a story of interest. Amongst the persons ar who figure prominently in the pages we have an accomplished in villain, Dubrose, who plots ...


... forty words were Bent an hundred and sixty-eight mliles, and thirty-flve wortsle returned from tue same dis~taste, in tule short space of four ti] 3minuteo andthirty seconds. But surp~risinigas tillws 5, we soon afterwards witnessed, in-tise same room ...


... for a few seconds, moving hier I tali slow~ly from side to sods, showing her teeth, and growling I fiercely. She next made a short run foreyard, making a bld, rrumbling noise, like thounder. This she did to intimidate 'me; I but findling tisat I did not ...