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... killed. The Mohanmceduan afterwards took the town, and those Who were not killed of the Falaba people were carrie d away into slavery. The Mohamme- dane were reported to he coming down to the coast. It was said that Chief Suluku of Big Bouma bad surrendered ...

Law Intelligence

... but full of life and vigour, and of exciteable temperament -his first impulse is to resist in every way the intolerable slavery thus heaped upon him. t Aud is that proof of violent madness ? I You are men of the world, and you know whether it was an ...


... t-the bleaching-fields and- dye-works of Scotland are prepared to hear that labour prevails in then, al to which West India slavery was, by comparison. a pleasant and mercifal institution. ra The first Scottish district, following the Blue- *vLy Book, is ...

The Court

... sUp- at port the international movement for the emancipa- tion of the people 'from the thraldom of capitalism 3or and wage slavery, and for the realisation of ohe collective ownership in the means of life. (2) () This meeting, believing that the legal ...


... the Cabinet Council to-day the report of the C cies. Committee of the Senate upon the bill for the aboli. I y 40 lion of slavery in Cuba was approved, and it will be C r his read in the Senate on Tuesday next. Marshal Martinez 1 the Campos has promised ...


... mumercifully beaten ; but Brax swears it is as safe as a cradie—a craudic on the tree-top I tell him. However, it’s only slavery for life —that’s one comfort; and it'll be all the same a hundred years hence—that’s By Jove,” said Paul. And he became thoughtful ...

The Coroner's inquiry at Garston into the death of Mr James Maybrick, cotton broker,

... Imperial British East African Company in Lon- don yesterday, satisfaction was expressed at the settlement of the domestic slavery question. It was mentioned that £3372 had been paid to the Arabs for the liberation of the 1422 men, women, and children who ...

IN the House of Lords yesterday afternoon Lord Dunraven gave notice that the Duke of

... the hopeless ruin. They had bound them- eches selves by the Sand River Convention to give ilton, up the practice of human slavery; and they had, the instead, extended that practice systematically .ts, it and shamelessly. Boer chiefs were known to alties ...


... hig winning mounts,, to - say nothing of ( any the losing ones, reached the enormous total of 2740.(r 81 Such A. life of slavery is shout PA wretched as any(r ;and ~~~~~M odthat can be conceived, and the tedium of it must hi Onl have wanted but one touch ...


... and as one man de-7 manded from the Legisiature that Great Britain! should no longer rem'ain'in an: unholy alliance6 with slavery. The Free Church cannot afford to - trifle with the solemn coevictionvsiof . her adhe-i | rente, supported by their- jusg ...


... landlordism is all Ad pprepen hd usurpation, and it is the means of keeping the Irish me xvhen Dr pcop in poverty, ignorance, and slavery. M1rsin oDof the OSullivan said-That is the resolution I have to Cs 'onO support, and that resolution has my strongest and ...