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Emancipation Proclamation

... Louisiana (parishes held by rebels) 247,734 Total slaves declared free 3,119,392 The states and parts of states recognising slavery exempted from the proclamation, or in which slaves are to remain slaves, are :— States. No. of Slaves. Delaware 1,798 Kentucky ...


... which the revolution in America cemented, and the revolution of France broke asunder.—Life of William Pitt. Slavery in the Southern States.- Slavery, then, is profitable only for a time, and because from the ad- vantage of water-carriage America can still ...

;?T{)e Qitcant of$uncf)«III

... common negroes—field hands. Hath a fhPn°r',ini^n nf .,1 atly other human members or dimensions, in n ^vocate for bestial slavery ? Does he account hands'to have written^>aws°? co»sistenc^ instead of DeSon'dnthf3- L^™ls--Why, it was- demanded by a vulgat ...


... in the event of there being no choice by the people, the friends of Mr. Fillmore and of Mr. Buchanan, whose views upon the slavery question are substantially the same, would be able to make some compromise. ...


... , Notting-hill, has issued the following circular --I There are various considerations connected with the institution of slavery which make it, far more than is the case in ordinary politics, a question especially and deeply interesting for women, and ...


... oifojee. This was considered sufficient cause for secession.1* policy of this party with regard to slavery, is not to inter- fere in any way with slavery in the states where it already exists, for it is there by local, or state laws, and they p#ive no ...

E.rter. April 2lsL?i

... this neighbourhood, until the South Wales Railway is opened, and then it will be a decided advantage. . RRITISH AND AMERICAN SLAVERY CONTRASTED.?This Was done on Tuesday night last, at the Town-hall, bv two oloured men, named B. and A. Benson, who showed ...


... of all marauders. The Greek is a bad and faithless man, mindless of his word, ) indifferent to his oath. Slavery—long prolonged— r gated slavery has brutalised the people; and the 5 Navarino gave them, could never be appreciated,- jg never make them ...


... that the cheers for the South were not unanimous, Cambridge being more doubtful than Oxford whether a wish to maintain slavery can justify revolution. THE DOG SHOW AT ISLINGTON.-Such a collection of dogs as has lately been assembled at Islington is ...


... obstacles which have retarded moral and intellectual progress. His African Majesty, the King of Abyssinia, has Put end to slavery, renounced polygamy, and banished tti Jesuits. Three almost equally fine things to do other existing monarch or stats has ...


... Constitution of 1864 was illegal, and that slavery was not abolished in the parish of St. Martin until December 6,1865, when the General Assembly of the State ratified the Constitutional Amendment prohibiting slavery; that the defendant was therefore a slave ...


... self-interest if it does not disabuse them at once and for ever of that special form of delusion. They may still believe slavery patriarchal, planters benevolent despots, and the negroes serfs, just passing through a period of real and gradual civilisation ...