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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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... or tho Great Bragoe cast Out. b 1 vol. boards .. ,, 1 6 rl Ditto ditto, w0rapper 1 0 The Three rmpostors - .. 1 *v Modern Slavery. By the Ablp dela Menarni ., O 49 140bart Owen's Signs of the Times.. ., ,, 0 2 h Ditto Address ?? ,, .. o 2 Ditto Outlines ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Great ragon east out. I vl. boards . . .. .. . .. .. 1 6 Ditto ditto, Israppor ,. ., 1 0 The Three Impostot's .. .. 1 Modern Slavery. By the Abbe de Ja Meiniiis 0 4 Robert Owsen's Signs of the Times , .. 0 2 Ditto Address to Socialists .. .. 0 2 Ditto Outlines ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the Great Dragon cast out. 1 vol. besnds . . .. .. .. 1 6 Ditto ditto, wrapper . . 1 0 the Tirse Impostors .. .. 1 tlodern Slavery. By the Abbe de la IMeunais 0 4 Robert Oweei'e Sigeis of the Times.. .. 0 2 Ditto Address to Socialists ,. 0 2 Ditto Outlines ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Regained; or the Grsat rogon cast oul, lvol. boards .. ., ,, ,, l 6 Ditto ditto, wrapper .. I 0 'he Three Impostors . .. I Modern Slavery. By the Abbe dela Ilenuaies Ā° 4 Robert Oween's Signs of the Times.. ,, 0 2 Ditto Address to Socalists , , 0 2 Ditto - Outlines ...

Advertisements & Notices

... atrocities ef tire slave trade, arid the urgent need of an efficient refomedy. o will also ho given on the prospects of the Anti- slavery canse generally tironurholit thle world. Thle chair will be takon by thle MAY(lt, at seven o'clock precisely. NilB. 'Tho ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the Great Dragon cast out. a 1 vol. boards .. .> , .. .. 1 6 Ditto ditto, Wrapper 1 0 1 the Three Impostors .. .. 1 Modern Slavery. By ithe Abbe de la Mnetais u a r Bobert Owen's Signs of the Tines. . , .. 0 2 Ditto Address to Socilists , ., o 2 Ditto Outlines ...

Advertisements & Notices

... cast out. a I l vol. boards , , . . ., 1 6 Ditto dtto, wrapper -. . . 1 0 n Phe Three Impostors ., .. , . . , a -godern Slavery. Bly the Abbe de la Menuais . r. , Uobert Owen's Signa of tbs Tlmes. .. 0 2 0 Ditto Address to Socialists - - .. .. 0 2 Ditto ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Rtegained; or the GreatDragon cast out. 1 vol. boards * 10 Ditto ditto, wrapper . I. . * ThO Three I-Postaor .. . Modern Slavery, By the Abbe de la Mennais .. 04 UO.ert Owen's Sln of the Times .. . . 2 Ditto Address to Socialists ,, .. 0 2 Ditto Outlines ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ecclesiastical Reform Movements-The It Defects of Modern Biography-The People's Conference- g, American Methodism and African Slavery-The Night on K; ?? was Betrayed-The Ascent of Mount Olivet-Revlew re of the Month; Political, Ecclesiastical, and Parliamentary ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the public he generally, it is probable the majority would have been vo considerably greater. W S. BRĀ¢AZILIANt COMMERCE AND SLAVERY.-Returne Ie have been published of the trade, commerce, and shipping entering and sailing from the port of Rio de Janeiro ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LITEitATURE. hc Edited by G. JULIAN IIARNEY. L IRefusal of Parliament to repeal the iniquitous Taxes -on Knowledge. is 2. Rural Slavery-A Voice from the County of Kent. 0 3. Democracy defended in reply to the ' Latter-Day'. tO ravings of Thomas Carlyle. (Continued ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Edited by G. JULIAN HARIINEY. A CoNTENTS . 1. Relusal of Parliament to repeal the iniquitous Taxes pl on Knowledge. m 2. Rural Slavery-A Voice from the County of Kent. d 3. Democracy defended in reply to the ' Lntter.Day' ravings of Thomas Carlyle. (Continued ...