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North West, England


Preston, Lancashire, England

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... from public compsauief, gentleman sad ?? grooms, and the trndesmen and farmers of the town and distrlot generally, already speaks asto the axcelleno of the work he tornsount; ond any parson enirntling any work to his charge may rely upon usties being done ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the, science of modern chemistry has ooferrdd, upon ciaukind; fot during the first twenty years of the present century to speak of a core for the gout was considered a romance; hut now the eficac and safety of thin medicine is so fuy desOnstrated, by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... benefits which the tci8 ,the modern chemistry has conferred upon mankind, for durbr first twenty years of the present eentury to speak of aicuede the gout was considered a romance; but now theefiZ safety of this medicine is so fuslly demonstrated by U ?? J ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Asthma, Difficulty of Breath. ing, &c., VANISH as by MAGIC wherever it is need. Subjoined ze one of many teatimonials, and speaks for sell:- 11, St. Phillip's.road, Preston, _ Mr. WALIER. January 15th, 1889. Dear Sir,-T have much pleasure in stating ...

Advertisements & Notices

... therefore, and leave: the bad, &eo. In the remarks of Mr. Barker, which, for the sake of brevity, have been omitted, he speaks in high terms of Swedenborg and his followers, and adds that if he could accept our interpretation of the scriptures, he should ...

Advertisements & Notices

... if he will refer to his prayer book. AN ELKcTOR. thinks It strange that while Mr. Cross in his ad. dress and his speeches speaks favourab ly of Lord Palmerston he never osice alludes either to the Earl of Derby or to Mr. Disraeli, the heads of his party ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I Cno trial only is necessary. E Dn. CHAMBERS, 57, Lowden-road, Herne-hill,jLondon E B P P IT T E E E LEPHONES. TRE LOUD-SPEAKING GOWER-BELL TELE- p PHONE, as adopted by the PosTMvssTEa-GENsunA, V and as used in the Offices of the Governments of Eng ...

Advertisements & Notices

... yet disposed to speak truly. As respects the second point of the above truly choice p tro- duction, it is, if possible, a more despicable evasion than the first. He says we did not offer him the shares publicly, becaus we did not speak publicly a t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... collision between the military and the police took place. The last races on Fulwood moor were in 1833. J. CROMaBLEaoimE had better speak to some member of the Board of Guardians. We feel certain that the guardians will not judge of our correspondent's right to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mother's form above him hung, And besile hl 1iias ihis sire. His brothers ailn sisters stood around- lle heard the loved 0o1es speak, But his mother's joy, was too ?? for wor ls- 11er tears fell on Ills cheek I No tears toeday dear mother, I pray, With choking ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 65, Blrkby. Hudderafield. THE GREAT COMIC KING SPEAKS HIGHLY CF TUDOR WILLIAMS' PATBNT BALSAM OF HONEY. 4Having had a very bad cold, sore throat, and cough- in fact, so bad that I could not siug or speak from boaresnese-I was inddced by a professional ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of Garden- street, Brompton. She was afflicted for five years with a very heavy cough, and at times was scarcely able to speak or breathe. On one occasion it was quite believed that her end was approaching, and the friends of the family were written ...