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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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... 'gloves, mittens, &c. A stamped ticket was affixed to the lining of the crown of the bat, and in 1 7;35 thee 1stamps and the licenses together yioldod no less a sum than £60,000. Wordsworth was a collector of stamp duties, and this led Byron to say ...


... Exchequer to deal with the subject. Should, however, the ratepayers generally express an opinion in favour of the abolition of the duty aud the substitution of increased rates in its stead, it would no doubt, the communication adds, become a question ...


... unfortunate Earl struck down in his prime. But there is a duty that England owes to India far greater than any consideration for the character of Lord Mayo or of the Indian Council. Our great duty to India is to do r her justice, and to forbear from wrong ...


... tate of India been attended by Colonel E lephaut ? A WoRD WITH TILE POET LauntEATr.-Ob, Mr. Tennyson! Judy has felt it her duty already to tell ycu that you were writing verses utterly unworthy of your reputation; but iie regrets to see that you have ...


... required to be Members of Par- tl liaspent, the. duties of rhich occupy so much of th s- thei time bth day and night during the Session, a a- renders it impossible for' themr to 'attend to their r. in official duties. It is hardly reasonable to expect o] c- that ...


... required to be Members of Par-. C' liament, the duties of 'which occupy so much of I' their time both day and, night during the Session, at renders it impossible for them to attend to 'heir ni anofficial duties. It is hardly reason able to expect o that so ...


... of ?? local temperanc~e soc~iety, and a believer in local| |option, even in direc~t veto.' A Radical teetotalerL xof this stamp is worth knowing, but as a~n- I ?? he has not the courae Mi ?? Cuan ou- jtions, ho must not he surprised if his readers }tn-ks ...


... re Laurent takes up a chair, and striking as ill-aimed blow at her head, fells her to the gi ound, The concubine of Marat stamps upon her, treuiblinig with fury. At the tumult of the scene, at the cl ies of the two women, the inhabitants of the next houses ...


... were pressing siren them. Mr. vi Alfred Noeeleo was conspicuous for his persistent anda sue- hi cu~sful efforts for the abolition of these taxes upon knowledge. The .clfusieal Ti-oes, which originally coin-h pristerl eight pages, and now appears monthly ...


... As for his salary, that was to be settled by him Kith the Cm CpanY Stanley brought forward a contract with that Company, stamped end sealed in London, and only needing Enain's signature to make it perfect. Finally, £3,00 was agreed upon as the salary ...


... kinds printed in Glasgow in 1816 was 373,718. The progress of the newspaper press subsequent to the abolition of the stamp, paper, and advertisement duties has been very great. In 186b there were in existence ni the United Kingdom 663 jeurnals, classified ...


... of the Lteod PEhloEophilMI ad LltPrapi OMty. isy C. L M1i5U a Mere catalogue of names and localities such as sometimes does duty as a Q Guide, but is a genuine produotion, and contains exactly the kind of Information which is wanted to Rive a proper ...