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Advertisements & Notices

... W. BROCK & CO. A RE SELLING useful PAPER HANG- A INGS at 3d. a Piece. Those from 4id. to 9d. are very good. The Abolition of the Paper Duty bas greatly stimulated this branch of trade, both in design and price. 182, FORE STREET, EXETER. CABINET & BEDDING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... only, not affecting the Stamp Duty; and in any such Case the Lease or Tack shall, if required for the sake of Evi- deuce, be stamped with a par- ticular Stamp for denotin- or testifying the Payment ofthe full and proper Stamp ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FIRE, LIFE, AND MARINE ASSURANCESonliberalterms. ABOLITION OF FIRE DUTY. e The DUJTY on ALL ASL URANOES is NOW charged to the f4th JUNE ONLY, when it CEASES ALTOGETHER. No cb'rge is made for Policy or Stamp. HENRY T. CHAMBERLAIN, 22, CLARE-STREET. Agent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Extraction, &c. 3r Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., Stationer's-hall-oourt. All Ad Booksellers, or of the Author, post free for seven stamps. le )ILACXWOOD's MAGAZINE, for OCTOBER aet -1 1869. No. DCXLVIII. Price 2. 6d. pt CONTENTS. ty A YEARB AcND A DAY-Conclusion ...

Advertisements & Notices

... traveller to this country is subject to more or less, you would, I feel celrtain, b conferring a great kindiiess to these who are abolit to lcave Englani for this or other waUrin climates, by informinlg themi of this throuigh the medium of your well-known ad ...

Advertisements & Notices

... abolish the Duty on Paper, J. F. N I C H O L. L S, 6, NELSON-STREEET,. offers to the Trade and the Public a ehoice and varied STOCK of this Year's designs, excellent in finish and colouring, at Prices equivalent to a preseut Abolition of the Duty. mill Prices ...

Advertisements & Notices

... equitable footing, to levy an . import duty on Foreign Paper coming to this country. 8. Previous to 1853 this Import duty was upwards of 3d. per lb., and almost prohibitory, but in that year (1853) the Customs' h duties were revised under the direction of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... premium. No return of Duty can be made upon Insurances already paid. All Renewals no et paid can be renewed for three months. J. WALTER FRIEND, Agent. ALFRED S. HARTNOLL, Sub-Agent. THE BUDGET. ABOLITION OF FIRE. INSURANCE DUTY. TEEWEST OF iENGL~AND INSURANCE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TX CE. By the Act of last Session of Parliament, 17 and 18 Vic., c. 83, the Siamp Duties on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes are altered by reason whereof Stamps of certain amounts now in nse will become obsolete aftei the ]Oth instant. By the 26th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... other means had failed. To the Married and Single this book is invaluable. Sent post ] frep, on receipt of two stamps or by letter post three stamps. i 1 Address, Dr. BAncEs, 1, Lonsdale-square, Barnsbury, I London, N. IMPORTANT TO COUNTRY PATIENTS. I Dr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... injured yearly by Accident of some description. Y No ExTrRA premium for Members of Volunteer iRifle Corpes. No charge for stamp duty, For Terms, Prospectuses, c., apply to the Provincial Agents, tiehallwailty Stations, and at the Head-ollice. This Company ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Office-No. 7, Pall Mall, S.W. FIRE DEPARTMENT. TOTAL ABOLITION OF DUTY. Policies are now granted by the Corporation upon every description of property at most moderate rates. No charge wehatever made for Duty or roli6J, houever small the Sum Insured. Damage ...