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... 'with the '!Chronicle. and his paper was throughout oi the remainder of the century the organ of the corporation n and of the Whig party, The BEsraoL Mlcur3 , a new a and inpartial weekly psper, was started on the -st March, a 1790. by Messrs Bulgin and ...


... Guetove Dorc and others. et 'rho publication of tras'tr's Hagazine ceases with the b Ootobor nnumber, artd the place of the old Whig publication st will be taken in November, so far as the publishers are at eoncetned, by their 'etov sixpenny venture, Lotngtan's ...


... of a family nearly every member of which eventually made his mark in publiclife. To u father, Thomas Wrightill,inpolitics a Whig, in creed ?? was attat time straitened in means, and in 1803 foenew a school in the suburbs of Birmingham, where Matthlew and ...


... deceased. Tue wt'iter titus sums up htis able paper on Ilelabcuhay's very faults proclaimed lisa Power. He was the greatest Whig orator siccc the dayc of 'Burke. No man baa aver I written purer Saron. Ac ank essayict he has' never been 6cr- Passed. Spare ...


... Chancellor of the Exchequer is too true not to be quotod:- For the test hundred years at least, there has not beenn as single Whig l'liniatry which has excelled in finance. Indeed, a, we shall more nearlyexpreas the troth if ws say that, in this 51 respect ...


... intereoted in the great question of the day. To this paper 01 succeeds one on 1Lord Macaulay and Dundee, in which. the 'as great Whig historian ie taken to task for an injustice done to John Grahame, of Claverhouss, Viscount Dundee, who took a prominent part ...


... smiteth grsten'~prays ,. a ie -Let the'lo'fe'lntly tam-ht ~s~ 'a le Blo40om, bw~tt, ?? blpol# hh. - le The6 . 'tl 'o ?? . 1 at Whigs aire eeierefr otrnsti'grt' fbr' .thbe'nmpsist~ ;w!isp,qt$ ishav~ee dippene d,s.te~tr -,olesistitl1 patron~age, lir !ticet°D ...


... principally witbaSirJ. Maokintosb,and onoor two of Mackintosh's Scotch contemporaries who occaslocelly ,coutrl. hated to the WhIg press oftheir day butnonoolwhom were remark. able men as newspaper writers. There is an article on a ,question which hes excited ...


... was the show id of ladies in the galleries. Letters and journals are still extant in in which men of all shades of opinion, Whigs, Tories, Non- a, jurors, condemn the partiality of the tribunal. It was not to or he expected that., wchile the memory of this ...


... Ciaticallor of the Exchequser to takes off' either at otace or by two instalenemts,che wasi duties apes tea fintl eugar. WVith'i Whig Goveinmetit ints ffico the next year, atn icithi Euioep in a state of fattoeti, attd weree Still Sit. GIlotietti as Chtancellor ...


... not because its advocates had anything like a numerical pre- pouderauce, but because the two great political parties-the Whigs and Democrats-were so evenly balanced, that sometimes otee, and sometimes the other, agreed to do as the temperance men wished ...