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Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Fashion and Varieties

... declared himself a Protectionist; in the house of a Free-trader he was all in favour of Free-trade; he was a WVbig with the Whig electors; and a Tory with the Tories. In fact, hMr. Ker reminded him of Barnaby Rudge's raven, which flourished about the ...

Fashion and Varieties

... had amply done their duty when they passed a couple of months at the Castle, and gave some two or three balls. The Vicermgal Whig hurried to rural re- tirement and economy, and, so far as he had influeLn11ce, left Dublin to silence and wvant till the next ...


... contains-now; we believe, for the firsttime collected- the best writings of the late witty canon of St. Paul's. Sydney Smith was a Whig in politics, and a very free- and-easy going religionist. He exercised his pen in advocating the claims of the Roman Catholics ...

Fashion and Varieties

... your questions, or speaking commonly, his style is that of the ancient Spartan; but put him on a stump, with an audience of Whigs, Democrats, or Barn-burners, and he becomes a coinpound of Tom Cribb and Demos- thenes, a fountain of eloquence, passion, sentiment ...

Fashion and Varieties

... hear it con- fidently affirmed that Mr. Macaulay has abandoned his hatention to take his seat for Edinburgh, and that the Whigs have resolved to start TMr. iforsman in his room, as soon as a vacancy is declared.-Edinlmuryk Post. E.LOPEArENNT iS lrion ...

Fashion and Varieties

... devoted nearly 33 years to tre service of a Wiltshire consti- tuenry. Bm'. 13ennett was a decided Protectionist, thoughl a'Whig in, general politics. DoWrNIxo STREaET, OCI. S.-The Queen has been pleurseui tin appoint Ker Bailie Hamiltor, Esq., for some ...

Fashion and Varieties

... Cabitiet, the names of only six are to be found in tihe netv Governinent. FrOtn what we heat', tile grumb- lhig folt among tile Whigs at this illiberal treatment is lik ely to break o0ut befi re loing in a lmaililenr vhich ivill be uipleasant Itoth to Lord ...


... John Russell tells Moire, r, llhne a gruat cleal (i,' goon il relreirig:- tie oli aiul] ndituiril rulliniice hretweell thle Whigs ard the pIeol)rn, mind tiwr'a!:irrlrirg tire iriliODUici of thre ItidicrIls trith tire llittrn. 1ord .lrrrr pir'1 WCrIlCedeul ...


... grindl tlown their tenatits thete are actually bishops wvho tue nitt hlypucrites; thete are liberal mtets even anioig the Whigs, and the Radicals thleinselves are not till aristocats at heart. But who evet lteat-d oi givitig the moral before tile fable' ...

Fashion and Varieties

... Hoilgets' Foundry, Abbev- Street, Dublin, wdter-e tile old bell c-atr lie senort It is 'also a curiolts fact that the Ibell whig~t gained tire pi-ize nieuial for AMr. Hodges at tire (mreat Exiribitiori of' 185l, wvas dustrtutig ini Sr. Alban's church, ...

Fashion and Varieties

... aboinut the bistip. T'iey taloed ablut hirin as a good sort of goose promoted to a wig and ptilace, becauseP he was relatetd to a Whig. lpenir. Tline could mianag-e htim, thur fancied, hut they latd all heard that tire ch'aplain, was a. terrible feilaow, made ...