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Republic of Ireland, Republic of Ireland

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... to reply by saying that, without forestalling the decision of the independent men of Kildare, I am determined that neither Whig nor place-hunter ?? have a walk over in my native county nest election. TPhe tenant farmers of Kildare may well ask where are ...


... inhabitants. Since then Mr. Patrick Reilly, TC.. Shop-street, has come for- ward as a claimant for the office, supported by the Whig element of the Corvorztionl. A close struggle for the office is anticipated. ALLEGED MALICIOUS INJURY. Yesterdav at the Castlecomer ...


... - EgBy UW . Lindsay. London : Longman and Co.-The opi- nions of the writer of this work are obviously opposed to the recent Whig changes in the navigation laws; but his object . is not so much to give expression to that opposition as to show that the changes ...


... delegate. Reath was not original. The meod is a COILICl1I art. If he were in office- today 1 he Would be denouncing the ?? Whig and I Seceders , According to his story, a spY 1 ne~ed not wake himself acquaintreal even w-ith thatlemnents cit the ir- ...


... posing) by the famous Mr. Molineuz, an E nglislh e gentleman horn here, as well as by several of the h greatest ?? and best Whigs in England ; but 6 tse love and torrent of power prevailed. uicked, d. tse arguments on both sides were invincible. For, u ...


... religion of Rome that it is more immedi- ately engaged in contest. Those who recollect Mr. Gladstone's memorable speeches on the Whig penal law of last-session, will not easily believe that in writing his recent pamphlet on the affairs of Naples, he suffered ...


... Bna'M M.&oAZ- Atsr openingwivth a paper on the character and career of Lord John Russell, with which the little leader of the Whigs has, on the whole, no great reason to be angry, the writer having been as kind and flattering to his lordship as possible, ...


... for parliamentary reform in England, ih 1831, and ends with the election of 1841, f which brought about the overthrow of the Whig power es- tablished ten years before. The fourth is limited between the latter period and the great European revolutions of ...


... Mr. IBurrowes never directly derived any office or honuar from ethat party to whose interests his life was devoted. The I Whigs overlooked him in 1807-or the petty situation of 1 counsel to the Revenue Commissioners is unworthy of no- I tice; and it only ...


... FASHION ,'ND VARIETIES. 1 The death of Hiss 7A doe, the novelist, Is sanimriced. The Northerna Whig says hat owing to Mr. Vousdeni'a preoent delleicasteoate of fehoat' Itoli cannot give 1110 esitertianuient as previously adivertibod. Tfle death of Mr ...


... iely, to thrash and crush the colonists ; the other interpretation, wbich found no volce amongst statesmen, either Tory or Whig, was to grant the independence of the Colonists, as England had to d' in 1782. Bc- tween these two conlsea all' the Opposition ...


... actress (who recently married Dr. Crow), Is about to rotbrn to Eakrope, with the view of settling in Rugland. The Northern Whig states that Mis Carry Nelson, thebwellknown burlesque actress and comedienne ie still seriouslylli In Belfast, butts eteadily ...