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Antrim, Northern Ireland


Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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... vriter's views, those, for instausce, iii referecume to the subject of cd acation, halive our eiitiie colicur- resco ; but the Whig pautisai bheuaks so couustantly out ini every page of the voliuiie, that wve caniiot afford cither oiur iespect or our sympathy ...

Fashion and Varieties

... Ass;zes, but was ton late to be srornil on the Grand Jiirv. The wrirtivy haronet haod paired off fur the occcsioo with his Whig col- lea-sruc, Coliel Cnu1 firild. DI\AoRIAcRS IN' iMllo LtIR.-Oii Thurs(ay se'riight, fit St. Peter's Churrch, Eaten-square ...

Fashion and Varieties

... the county. and cftv of Dublin, and Custos Rotulorum of the county of Wi;klow. In politics, his Lordship was one of the old Whigs, the active and in- timate friend and associate of Burke, Fox, Ponsonby, Grattan, Grey, &c., and, at the time of the passing ...

Fashion and Varieties

... and distinguished parent. The Earl of Cottenham, it is scarcely necessary to add, thtcughout. life' was ever a' consistent Whig, and a sound and impartial judge I Times. 'The subscription towards the Rushton testimonial I amounts to £8,200. Cueous ...

Fashion and Varieties

... with a family of children. He removed to Lynchburg a few months ago, having previously edited the Danville Register._ Richnond Whig. Letters reeivel from Archangel mention a very extensive fire, which has destroyed the whole of the 'residences of the foreign ...

Fashion and Varieties

... gentleman fur many years represented the Eastern division of Yorlkshire, for whiehs a vacany now occurs. Ill polities lie was a Whig, though one of strong Protectionist feeling, having voted on all occasions in favour of pro- tection to British industry. A ...

Fashion and Varieties

... will, perhaps, be pointed out.-Dickens's I iiroseolred Woeds. I Lont) Grouoe BIMTrNCIr'S PorLTrcs,-In politics, ie| was aL Whig of 1688, which became him, modified, how-: ever, by all the experience of the present age. Fie wished to see our society founded ...

Fashion and Varieties

... ticket; this 'are is the Whig. But if you strive to vote twice, I shall have you arrested. on vill, will you? shouted the son of tile sovereiggn people; then I says if I'mll denied the right of %votin- for tIhe Whigs, after ggoim' the whole ticket ...

Fashion and Varieties

... REIIMEDIES FOR TIl' PEOPLE. The Duke of Norfolk's remedy was Curry. Louis Napoleon's is Cayenne. LATEST iNTEI.L1GENME. WE'vE the Whigs out at last-some say not without trickery; Mly Lord John has resigned, and we've got rid of Chicory. George Grey and Lord Ditto ...


... Grey and Mr. Gladstone, we are gravely informed, are qualified for office by capacity or character. All ,the rest-Tlories, Whigs, Radicals, or Brigadiers are meretag-rag-and-bob-tail. Evenas regards Mr. Disraeli, all that can be said of him is,that as ...

Fashion and Varieties

... Earl and Countess of E-linton, at the Viceregal Lodge. Tlie Yorkshire G&'zette says that Sir William Ingilby, an energetic Whig, has denounced Lorel John Russell as a degraded statesman, wvho has allied himself with the dregs of democracy. Colonel Maberly ...

Fashion and Varieties

... Henry G. Grey, otherwise Earl Grey, lately of the Colonial Office, Downing Street, did, out of a mean anxiety to avert from the Whig Administra- tiors odium which it had incurred, in a great measure, from the management of that department of it over which ...