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1850 - 1899
190 1860-1869



Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland


Armagh, Northern Ireland

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AMERICA. Qneetniewn, Friday, July 25. The Royal malt se-aster .Inglo-Saxou arrived here this evening. Mu news ..

... drive them back at the point of - the bayonet. Vicksburg can't Le taken. Toe rieblntrg Whig soya the damage to the city it very *every. The publication of the Whig is hereafter suspended, the shot and shell falling too thick for our printers. Vicieibive ...


... what were regarded as there senseless demonstrations in the North of Leland on the pert of Orangemen. The whole vocabulary of Whig and Radical spleen, large as it undoubtedly is, was exhausted n vituperative efforts to bring into disrepute and contempt whatever ...


... t so in. valuable to one who is entrusted with the management of the international concerns of a mighty Jempire. While the Whig Government spent above twelve months in fruitless attempts to obtain redress from the Spanish Government for the insulting ...

stlttielt lotirl. . BRASS MONET. Ts' following satire, from the pen of Dees Swift,i on the introduction of ..

... the Pirming engine struck, On all the same impressi.n stuck. So to contound this hind twin, All parties and religions join ; Whigs, Tories, Trimmers, II rims, Quakers, Conformists, Presbyterians, Pc tub, Irish,, Piench melte With equal interest, ...

give the appellation of baino of the sport, to a prohibits play in 86(0,1 h, may understand that the pr

... the linen monufacm 7 although we agree in this apiuion. he might have fairly asked the q ue>:. thanks is due for that to the Whig tra flea Y Have they ever done any Ulster? Not they indeed. ]lad we might show how in many insor have actually thrown obstructions ...

SSW ADVIZTIBII2I.IOITB. itimar. Davis Co.—Christmas Presents. +mil, Brothers —Photography. iss—Panorama of ..

... to the sabre usually prefer to wait for full gore pronouncing an opinion oa act. But such a hullaballoo has Led up by the Whig-Radical press , gists of all rebels, and the slanderers al subjects at home, regarding the Governor Eyre in suppressing the ...

There is a Providence that shapes our ends,

... upon our policy, one way or another. We are pledged to neutrality, and to that pledge we shall remain faithful. THE FACETIOUS WHIG SECRETARY FOR IRELAND. THE fastest man of the day is Mr. Cardwell, the ex-member for Liverpool, our present Anglo-Irish Secretary ...

,of tke Vuss

... Radiant were the hopes, and deafening the acclamations of the Ministerial colony in Downing-street. They had discovered a new Whig Columbia, a California, a Ballarat of electioneering digging, where all before was barren. Bo the organs swelled to their highest ...


... week or fortnight a considerable number of cases beyond the average have been admitted to the workhouse hospital.—Northsra Whig. ,orrtspottbnut NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. Ora Waringstown correspondent's letter shall appear in our next. It was too 'at ...


... said he tied, very great pain. Mr. It-a was sorry for it. He was sorrier still that Sir Hugh Cairns had got a member of the Whig party to join him in his proceedings. By this time the trio had reached the corridor, and as the officers released him Mr. ...


... notwithstanding their supe• rior qualifications, are passed over with ne- glect and contumely. Be the Government in office Whig or Tory, Liberal or Conseil. vative, it is all the same. The present occupants of the judicial bench afford a striking example ...


... getninded of the chums of a song that was popular in England many years ago : Tantarara, rogues all ! rogues all I Whig andTury—Tory and Whig. Tantarara, rogues all Protestants of Ireland, such were the fruits of having a Popish Chancellor and Judges on ...