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Public Amusements

... carried ti ?? Besrd is now composed of' eight vi Chartisti, two Conservatives, and two gentlemen iv who usually vote with the Whigs, u An American paper states that General Tom sl Thumb was lately arrested in Savannah, and fined if ten dollars, for driving ...

Public Amusements

... Tbe Board. Is now co'mpnsed of eight t vis Chartists. tewe Conservatives, and two gentlemen Iwn who usually vote with the Whigs, ' up -An Anierican pappr -states th'at General Ton'l shi Thum b was lately artested- in- Sav>annah, and fined lei ten dollart ...


... Pretender's landing, even weeks after, Fontenoy and Mar- d shal Saxe, the Queen of Hungary and her wrongs-that pet subject of the Whig papers, -and grumblings against the ministers or about Hanover, supplied papers with what in y the present day we should term ...


... landing, even weeks after, Fontenoy and Mar- a ud shal' Saxe, the QUeeD of -Hungary and her wrongs-that pet subject of the Whig papers, -and grumblings against the ministers or about Hanover, supplied papers with what in by the present day we should term ...


... published,- and are done in the satis- factory manner for which Tait has been so long famed. 'The political article on The Whig Family Compact, is a smartly written sum-r mary of theevents connected with Lord John's sham resignation, in which the trickery ...


... published, and are done in the satis- factory manner for which Tait has been so long famed. 'The political artiele on The Whig Family Compact, is a smartly written sum- mary of the events connected with Lord John's shaml resgnttion, i which the trickery ...

Our Weekly Mirror

... It is a mere ulru67 r ords and that of the most studiously hrar 4 oii racter. The Jew Bill-a stil] Ine ,y and long delayed Whig production q tor passed through Committee in the £ the Its opponents abstained from divid:' t that stage, but uttered the ominons ...


... was held in Hal the Market-place. Mr. Bond moved, and Mr. the Scott seconded, the nomination of Mr. Collins. Mr. n Kirk, a Whig, and landlord of the Elephant and noa Cast-le Hotel, moved, and Mr. Ilarr-ison seconded, cbs the nomination of Mr. Lawson. ...


... could make the voyage in any other wiay.''l Mr. Fox shows that' this 'si'tema.ic misgo- verrment has been perpetrated by the Whigs, in defiance -of their recorded opinloiss wleii out of: office. In 1845 'Lord Howick-now Earl Grey, and Colonial Secretary ...


... he could make the voyage in any other way. Mr. Fox shows that this: systematic misgo- vernment has been perpetrated by the Whigs, in defiance of their recorded opinions when out of office. In 1845 Lord Howick-now Earl Grey, and Colonial Secretary-distinctly ...