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... Wyvth, Certainly, numberless poetical beauties. Mil- ton was a Whig, and, in my mind, an Atheist. I am persuaded his poem was composed to apologiss for the devil, who cer- tainly was the first Whig on record. He entered at Christ Church, Oxford, in 1798, ...


... whenever I have seen the experiment tried, the operator was always tired before the toad.- Archbiskop ?? Conmmon Place Book. WHIGS AND TouRse.-I have come to the discovery that I am a divine-right Tory. That name, at least, is often applied, and I can't ...


... fuel, Mr. Playfair won t catch me at hazard or whist, 'Mr. Coward was winged in a duel. Mr. Wise is a daunce, Mr. King is a whig, Mr. Coffin's uncommonly sprightly, -And huge Mr. Little broke down isna gig, While driving fat Mr. Golightly. Mrs. Drinkwater's ...

Literary Notice

... Riteravp POtice. LHisoiry of the Whig NMinisti-y of 1830 to the .Passing Of the 1?efor-m Bill. By John Arthur Roebuc~k, M.F. 2 vols. 8vo. John W. Parker and Son,1 r Teredon, 1852. r Teeis scarcely an event of greater importance in the a' history of this ...


... speaks thus of the difficulties Lord John has to contend with :- If Lord John goes too far In reform, he is checked bytho Whigs; if he does not go far enough, he is abused by the Radicals; if lie steers a medium course be is reproached for want of energy ...

Pickings from Punch

... at school: Declare, with confidence immense, That he and his alone have sense, And that the will of Providence Is that the Whigs should rule. And let one ill-meant taunt be flung, No matter whose the hostile tongue, Whether from Stanley's cynic lips The ...


... misguided force Iay set the fram- or-k or the world ablaze: Cursed that the reins are held in such an hour By the weak hands of Whig apostacy. Thereforo tho land hathl need that men like thee Should sp3aktheunvarnishedtruth,andspeak it forth with power There ...


... Ministers what was the real difference between a Whig and a Tory :-Piecee your Majesty, replied the Minister, ' I conceive the differeuce to be merely nominal; the Tories are Whigs when they want place,and the Whigs are Tories when ihey bave got themn. Fred ...


... unreasonable, their keepers emptied the water on the prison floors, saying, 'If they were obliged to bring water for the canting Whigs, they were not bound to afford them the use of bowls or pitchers gratis.' In this prison, which is still termed the Whiga' ...


... In the whole community, has baen, and is at the present moment, Mr. S. R. Graves, the Mayor. All classes of politicians, Whigs, Tories, and Radicals—the ladies, too, that section of society which rules all classes—are unanimous in sounding the praises ...


... is par. ticularly seotn in the aecount she gives of the opening of the trial of Warren Hastings, a man singled out by the of whig cabal ns one to be hunted down; his life struck at by his eniemies, his coffers ransacked to emptiness by his W protectors ...

Literary Extracts

... guins; mesked by this dangerous ?? Indian Archti- not re dmug pcegao, by, Horace St. John, do yoi oar- THE WHIGS osl SstUTTaaEELD,-There wee not a Whig Frenilh of in all Shuttlefield, very strange to relate. There were ultra Ta that 'tories, and; liberal' ...