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... To CoRR ItESPONDENTS. a long and discursive letter, I epoter of the Northern Whig, in which Flozll tho t wO have buett for several days I lt°lijue his professional charactcr by a (ic.) (>f allo mous lettcrs, with ; cthof wuig a doubt on the idelity of ...


... Conservatives and Whigs. I slioull be delighted to see such a party formed, for one of the prin- cipal di dicolties in the way of party government is the weakness alike of Radicals and of Conservatit es. The former are hampered by the Whigs, the latter are ...


... a lace or two into alignment with the Whigs. It is this percep- tion whi(ch has dictated Sir WVilliam Harcourt's judicious defence of Whiggism, and insl)ired his protest against the application of the word Whig as a title of opprobrium to those persons ...


... Peelite Conservatives cheered because they remembered Lord J. Russell's Edinburgh letter and the tardy conversion the Whigs ; the Whigs cheered because they gladly gave the credit to Mr. Cobden rather than to the Minister ; and tlve Protectionists cheered ...

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... rendered some service as an opponent to the Ceutralising achetues of the Whig.- The experience ac- quired by me in the course of that arduous contest convinces me that the Whigs have a uniform policy to sustain every- thing English and to sacrifice everything ...

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... thal con! C(JlI map cert a br all t POtW the Ipre.-~ the The and WNal all t Bac pet 1 Lad poll Parn Har and ?? bouj now mee whig field at I otbe doul but Ovei Ea' CKrn) ?? the 4 mun Da= mad aftez her ele =wot the I look, doP, fin ram ID&U 2n I Reel pror ...


... the place to the Liberals. A bitter struggle is hand. Tho Toi-ies know they have lost their overwhelming majority, and the Whigs think their time has como. Ever since the Berlin Treaty Lord Beaconsfield's popularity has been on tho decline. has often seemed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... instructions. What is in P t the wind now P Lord John is one of the most ho- t: nourable and constitutional membnrs of the old u Whig party, and we therefore think it can be no t light Matter that has induced him, at such a moment c to abdicate his high and ...


... in biician, with index i tee i «ey, a mot be LITERARY AND ART GOSS mate his lot, a Whig private view of the Regal E takes place the 25th inst. The will be admitted on the following Monday. roposed Measra. ing on and Co. wil we for fhe end of the month ...

How wonderfully help comes just when it is wante

... Bill, returns of all sorts are being showered in upon Downing Street, Tories are sharpening their cutlasses, alarmed old Whigs are half disposed to turn Tories, pamphleteers are aa busy as a certain person supposed to be in a gale of wind, and everybody ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e80ompnlnicats, oommenc6 each evening at 41ght o'clock, TO CORRESPONDENTS. T We eannot undertake to return communications of whiG o we do not avall ourselves. Communications abouV i C always be legibly isritten in ink, and on one side of tkc paycr rnlyi; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... distrust and are shy of the Whigs. This is the reason why, at the present crisis, the people would place as little con- fidence in a PALMERSTON Cabinet composed of pure Whigs as in a PALMERISTON Cabinet composed of a medley of Whigs and Aberdeenites. The people ...