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... iANN WE1LLLINGTON, :he Soldier's Daughter, Wife. and WVidow.-A son of this remarkable woman was killed at the batt3e of lukerman, and she has still other sonS in the army. Ipswich: J. 31. BvavTo% and Co., and all Booksellers J. IM. BURTONTi & CO., IPSWICH ...

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... by Coroners' Juries, &t. ULPERtIAL PARLIAMENT: The Yorkshire Land Registration Bill-Over-pressare in Elementary Schools.-The Soudae-The Merchant Shipping Bill-The Carttle Diseases Bill-Army and *Navy Estimates. INDUSTRIAL FACTS AND FIGURES: A Miner's ...

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... newsagent for it to-day. Second number en- tirely SOLD OUTr CONTENTS OF THIRD NUMBER Page i. Rumours of the Day. (Illnt) On Woman. By Hierself. PBi1y Higgins' Little RLcreaton. Mrs. Jopples: The Man with the White Wait- coat. (Thus.) By Douglas Grant. Page ...

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... newsagent for it to-day. Second number en- tirely SOLD OUT. CONTENTS OF THIXD NUMB Page i. Humours o! the Day. (rllus.) On Woman. By Herself. Billy BigZ!ns' Little Recreation. Mrs. Jopples: The MaLn with the WhiteWa. coat. (Ulus.) By Douglas Grant. Page ...

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... of the Allied Troops for the Crimes. C The Combined Flests at Sea. P CAPE CHERSONESE kSunset), e SEBASTOPOL. n LA-NDING OF TH3E ALLIED ARMIES IN THE V CRINEk. f THE BATTLE OF ALMA, f THE ASCENT OF THE HEIGHTS. t Triumphant Attack of the Guards and Highlanders ...

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... be street, and Borough of Drogheda; the Lots of Land in Co Culverpark, situate in the County of the Town of Drogheda; foil the Lands called Burton's Fields; the Land at Yellow Tw Batter; the parcel of Land on the east side of Twenties Coi Road; the small ...

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... still supplied with drinking water from open streams exposed to choleraic infection. The proper place for sewage is upon the land. So used it is not only rendered harmless to health, but becomes a means for increasing the produce of the soil, thus adding ...


... field for the much-abused boilers; so that there is a good chance of their being usefully disposed of last. The case of the woman Smith, who was at the last Norwich Assizes sentenced live years penal servitude for cruelly ill-using and starving her domestic ...


... medal in the Queen's Prize competition. Fletcher won. The National Challenge Trophy was won by Scot- land with 1942, and the other scores were-Eng. land, 1916; Wales, 1888; Ireland, 1824. Colour- Sergt. Falkington won the Graphic Cup. The Yeomanry ...

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... By A BARRISTER-AT-LAW. In this volume the reader will find liberal information on all matters wherein the ordinary manor woman can comze in contact with legal limitations or require legal enlightenment, and. better still, he willfind the information ...

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... jor CaaL.,ioll the Frontier.' Major Campion, although he seems to be Enghsl by i)irti held a commission in the United States Army. So far as we can gather, however he must have enjoyed almost unlimited leave, and have always been very macis Isis own master ...

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... Fortifications., The Army before the Commonwealth. Establishment of the Militia. Army before and after the Revolution. Bill of Rights and Act of Settlement. Payment of Army by Parliament. Military Expenditure. Mutiny Act. The Army in Relation to our R ...