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North Wales Chronicle



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North Wales Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... to 1 be held at the Boatd Room, in the Union Workho'use, ots Wednesdry, the l7th day of Marcl instant, at II o'clock in the Forenoon, proceed to the Election of a Master and Matron of the Union Workhouse. The Candidates must be of unquestionable character ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ford.street, lihyl. 3606 '-BANGOR AND BEAUMAR'IS 'UNION. W. ANTED an INDUSTRIAL TRAINER to look after the Children in the Workhouse, to instruct the Infantr daily in BReading, WSiting, and Ar -ithmetic, and the principles -of the Christian Religion, to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and attend at my office, at the Workhouse, en the 10th of April next, between the hours of 2 and 4 o'clock in the afternoon, when such claims, if correct, will be discharged. All articles' of food supplied to the Workhouse must be pure, and the same will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ended 29th of September, 1875, to commence on Tuesday, the 30th day of November, 1876, at 12 o'clock at noon, at the Union Workhouse, Carnarvon, when and where all persons who by law are bound to amount at such Audit are required to attend, and to submit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... printed-ncpy of the proposed Bye-Laws srill continoe dephsited for inspection by ?? Ratepayer, at. the Board Rooum, of the Union Workhouse, at Saint Asaph, the Office (if the School Attendance Committee, for one mouth from the date of the publication of this Notice ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Board, and must carry out all orders or directions of tho Guardians. tbe Medical Officer and the Mster- and Matron of the Workhouse. Applications, stating age and qualifications, with copies of three recent testimonials, toi be sent to me, the undersigued ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . Plaeeat which Audit w illl bc lpe~ld.: Union Wolkhouse, Ruthin. Do. D o. . Do. Do. Union Workhouse, St. Asaphi Do. 'Unkn Wokous~e,I Do.. DD. Union Workhouse, Conway, Do. Do. Tine appointod for Audit. Date..:' 'Rouw. 1581.' .- Thursday, h.i. 1st Dee ...

Advertisements & Notices

... attend at my office, at the Workhouse, on the 12th day of October next, between the houis of 2 and 4 o'clock in the afternoon, whhen such claims, if correcr, will be disoharg d. All artiolee of food supplied to the Workhouse must be pure, arid the same ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Eastgate Rowv, Chester, March, 1855. CARNARVON UNION. PROVISIONS, &c., FOR THE WORKHOUSE. A LL Persons desirous of Contracting with the A Guardians for the supply of the Union Workhouse for Three Mionths, from the 31st day of March, 1855, with the following ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UNION, at the Board Room, on Mon-1 day, the 2nd of June next. LLANRWST UNION, at the Workhouse, on Wednesday, the 4th of June next. aFESTINIOG UNION, at the Workhouse, on Fri- e day, the Gth of June next. L Auditor of said District. a 1 Chester, May 28th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONTRACTORS. i P AI{TIiE desirous of Ienderinglrfo fr the erection of a WORKHOUSE, near ValleyrStation, are requested to send in their sealed Tenders, marked Tender for Workhouse, to me, on or before the s1st d ay of Dece mbeer next. :llbe Plans and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 611 Meeting, to be held at the Board Room in the 6 Union Workhouse, on WEDNESDAY, the 20th day of o February next, at 12 o'clock at noon, proceed to elect a Master and Matron for the Union Workhouse, 0 in the room of Mr. John Roberts and wife, resigned. ...