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... to be held on SATURDAT, the 26TH day of JANUARY instant, to Elect competent Persons to be MASTER and MATRON of the Union. Workhouse, at Bridgend. They must be Man and Wife, without incumbrance, and of un- exceptionable character, and be able to speak both ...


... to be held on SATURDAY, the 26TH day of JANUARY instant, to Elect competent Persons to be MASTER and MATRON of the Union Workhouse, at Bridgend. They must be Man and Wife, without lie,, and of un- exceptionable character, and be able to epeak both the ...


... Calico, unbleached, per yard Women's Hankerchiefs. per Blue Print. per yard dozen Also, for the furnishing of Funerals at the Workhouse, and ia the several Parishes of the Uniou. from the 25th day of MARCH instant, to the 25th 6f MARCH, 1851, are requested ...


... the undermentioned Articles, to be de- livered a, the Union Workhouse, Bridgend, at such times and in such quantities as the Board shall direct, are re- quested to send to the Union Workhouse, Bridgend (free of expense), Sealed Tenders, numbered, but without ...


... the undermentioned Articles, to be de- livered at the Union Workhouse, Bridgend, at such times and in such quantities as the Board shall direct, are re- quested to send to the Union Workhouse, Bridgend (free of expense), Scaled Tenders, numbered, but without ...


... of the undermentioned Articles, to be de- livered at the Union Workhouse, Bridgend, at such times and in such quantities as the Board shall direct, are quested to send to the Union Workhouse, Bridgend (free of expense), Sealed Tenders, numbered, but without ...


... will commence on 51 ON DAY, the SECOND day of DECEMBER next, at Ten o'clock in the Forenoon, at the BOAaD ROOM, in the Workhouse of the said tJriion. T; BOWEN, Carmarthen, Nov. 15th, 1850. District Auditor. [DUTY FREE.] BOROUGH OF CARDIFF. PERSONS desirous ...


... sent to me on or before the 12th December, and application must be made personally at the Boaru-room of the Cardiff Union Workhouse at the time above-named. No one need apply whose age exceeds 40 jears. By order of the Board, T. WATKINS, Clerk. ...


... Testimonials must be sellt to me on or before the 13th instant; and Candidates are required to attend personalty at the Union Workhouse, at 10 o'clock precisely on the Morning of the Election. ...


... the undermentioned Articles, to be de- livered at the Union Workhouse, Bridgend, at such times and in such quantities as the (Joard shali direct, are re- quested to send to the Union Workhouse, Bridgend (free of expense), Sealed lenders, numbered, but ...


... unbleached,, per yard Women's Handkerchiefs, per Blue Print, per yard dozen Also, for the furnishing of Funerals at the Workhouse, and in the several Parishes of the U nioll,-From the 25th day of MARCH instant, to the 25th of MARCH, 1852, are requested ...


... the undermentioned Articles, to be de- livered at the Union Workhouse, Bridgend, at such times and in such quantities as the Board shall direct, are re- quested to send to the Union Workhouse, Bridgend (free of expense), Sealed Tenders, numbered, but without ...