... WORKHOUSE COMMITTEE. The osii*l weekly meeting of the workhouse committee was held yesterday, in the boardroom of the Pariah-offioea, Brownlow-hill. Mr. Churchwarden Oropper presided, and the following gentlemen were also pre sentMettrs. Peck, Soott, ...


... Govcrnment grant of so muntch per head for every 1)2uper inmate of a pioperly managed workhouse. In this way the guardians woLu11 he temptld to apply the workhouse test by the fact that in every cse IT' Whkclh they did so they w ould only be saddled with ...

DEATH OF A OENTENARIAN AT THE WORKHOUSE.—An inquest was held yesterday, before the Borough Coroner, the ..

... DEATH OF A OENTENARIAN AT THE WORKHOUSE.—An inquest was held yesterday, before the Borough Coroner, the Birmingham Arm* lon, Dudley Road, touching the death of a pauper the Birmingham Workhouse, named Mary Hodgetta, upwards a hundred year* of age. Ttie ...

Parish of IBirmkcgham.— Mr. Carder's comparative return for the week ending December 2, shows :— 1804. 1865. ..

... Parish of IBirmkcgham.— Mr. Carder's comparative return for the week ending December 2, shows :— 1804. 1865. Incr. Dee. Workhouse 2,014 2,004 50 Lunatic Asylum 382 411 29 Tramps' Ward 6 Total increase 85 The expenditure ...

Parish JJihminuham.—Mr. ('order's weekly, financial, statistical, and statement foi tilt- week ending Saturday, ..

... —Mr. ('order's weekly, financial, statistical, and statement foi tilt- week ending Saturday, May 1 shows : Incr. D.-c. Workhouse 1,715 Lunatic Asylum . . i>-V> lift Tramps 21'4 20.» Hi* Out-door poor 2,t'.Ht ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of the bread and flour must be delivered at the Workhouse (free of expense) uot later than Ten o'clock in the forenoon of the 15th instant. Forms of Tender can be obtained on appplication at the Workhouse, at my office in Woodstock, or of Mr. Kirby, Relieving ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the Districts must be delivered as directed by the Guardians or their officers, and the supplies for the Workhouse must be delivered at the Workhouse. Each contractor will be required to sign a contract in the form sanctioned by the Poor Law Board, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COBBOLD; Clerk. 32, Museum-street, Ipswich, 29th January, 1335. . IIPSWICH UNION APPOINTMENT OF WORKHOUSE MEDICAL OFFICER,, A MEDICAL OFFICER for St. Peters Workhouse Z will be appointed by the Guardians on Friday, the 13thFebruray next, at 12 o'clock. Applications ...

Advertisements & Notices

... each, at the Workhouse, S and at such places in any or all of the parishes of the under- mentioned districts, at such times as the Master of the Workhouse or Relieving Officers shall direct:- District, Aro. 1.- Henley (including the Workhouse), iRemenham ...

Advertisements & Notices

... application to the Master, at the Workhouse. Also Welsh flannel, a sample of which must be sent with the 'Tender. LxATnaaR,-Good bark-tanned Leather, for boots and shoes, according to sample, to be seen on application at the Workhouse. BARBERS.-To shave and cut ...


... favour of having a married man, whose wife could perform some duties within the Workhouse. He enlarged on the responsibility of the post of porter at the back of the Workhouse, and maintained that the officer should be steady, sedate, and sober man. He moved ...