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Advertisements & Notices

... 3R3ablit %uju~etnmt%. nfEATRE ROYAL, BIRMINGHAM. T, Under the manaf smerst of Mr. hf. H. 8St~Nlson, Jlun. 'TitRD WEEK and IMhlENSE SUCCESS of theo geat Adelphi Deraia. 'NO THOitROVUlIFARE, for which tho celc- kniled Actor, Mr. S. EMERY, and a new ind powerful Coumpany, havc been specially engaged. THIS EVENING lThursday), Juno 1I, will be produced, with now and elaborate Scenery, NO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11YAMJ and CO.'S gSUpErIOR1 CLOTHI[NG for JG ENTLI, IEN, YOUNGI GrnNTLxMNwN aed BOYS. BIRMN11MNIAi-21, 22, and 23, New Street. LOINDON-66 and G7, (Oxford Street. LEEDS-42, Ilriggsto and DEWSBiU~tY-Wastgatct. 1iTYAIR aw CO.'S PECU~LIAII FU, ES YTM kL 21, 22, and23, New Street. andl the 11onitiit wfich the hold ffiieMrht, lvoafacturvvx. ,an JW'boesulo DMaltirg, acle thema to oiler sueiotit~r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VHEAP PREPAID ADYBBTISRMENTA For ocn~ociilve Ifltertion8 cof the cehasses of ADVERTISEMENTS particularizedc below, the oIollowivng awe the chargea: a. d. Two 11ea nine vo-r rtoatline)0 6 Ditto Three intertions .I 0 Ditto Six ineertiisa . 1 6 Three axci fur~r lineR, O n ce. I10 D to Three insertione 2 0 Ditto Six insertions . 3 0 Thene alarges apply only ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CR.BAF F.iJEPAID ,ADV.ERTISEMRiWTS. For~ coneectitive hisertions elibte claaseli of ADVERTISEMENTS partdcularisd be]ow, tbe kv~owing axe the cebargee Twcs.Urmes (nine worns to P, BrnE) .. 0) Ditto Three inisertions .. I 0 Ditto SiX iaaenrtions . 1 6 ~Ttree antd f our limes, One 1I 0 Ditio Three insertions .. 2 I Ditto Six ineertion; . 3 0 Theqeo abaxges apply ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1'1 THEATRE ROYAL, BIRMINGHAM, VPER TUE MANAGEAENT OF ML1t. MERCER H. SIMPSON. . lg0IiIOUS SUCCESS OF THE PANTOMIME. IFE Mmnager, honoured by a long series of Pnutorutimo so scet.e and the great supnort and eiioonragement atforded i1 tlt. ,ltiC of Ilirr inehait rat d itS vinIty, has this yerr emadea- tj morel to s0l pa0 All hiM previolis successful Pantomrnimes, and he is ra ilioe ?? that the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... d hLeLOWELL AND DAY, .r BOOKSELLIERS AND STATIONERS, y d 52, NEW VSTREE', BIR 11INGHAMr. a 1DIARIES FOR DESK, POCKETi ansd SCRIBBLING : LETTT', DUNN'S3 DE LA RUE'S, &c., it Plain anul Best Bindings. eIOWELL AND DAY, I21, NEW STREET. r _. r 181 . 1EGAME OF BEZIQUE w ith Rules ansl Iteciters isl3 ~ e Bs.. L Ts. tER., 21s.. and 42s I 1 ;'HOWELL AND DAY, 1 2. NEW STREET. v 1869). N~EW YEAR'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EADY CASH for Household F urniture rana Furnikh. R ing goods of every deseriptioo. O.ld ?? Street (cooe ?? wiIPiTRCHASH, at a Oouoltry appllcetiooe ettented to. p A T E N T m E T A L LI A I R - T I G II T C O F F I N S ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHEIZ. And are strongly Recommended by Medical Men. Orders given at the Officee of the Patent Metallic Alr-Tigh Coffin Company (Inimted), 158 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E MIIEG ATION.-NEW YORK, £4. 0s. 0d.; Stearn, ..l6. bS. Boston, Halifar, Nei Orleanu, Baltimore, Portlaud, Ca .adn. Brazil, Cape, Natal, Auostralia. NewZeslisnud, Lotwest rates. - V. 1H. llayvard, authorj~ed srelt. IS. Unioln I asge, 393 C ANADIAN DIAIL STEAMERS (ALL&N LINE) s Eail from LIVERPOOL to ti lEBE: every TUI-SDAY an(d 1sitUi.-o AY. Fares-Cabin. 15. iS'. and 415. 15s. By arrange. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? JmaaU~st t0. 1BIRMINGHAM CONCERT HALL, TL OOLBSHILL BIRT Prneoo TORS ?? . J. JUDD and Co. The Real CIRCASSIAN LADY, CATERENA BLINKIE, in conjunction with OiCAU BLINIilI, Violisiats, from the Grand Theatre, St. Petersburg, and Theatre Royal, Drnry Lane. The Circassian Lady will Performn on the Violin at 8.45 and 10.15 ca4h evening. The Last Six Nights of the CIRCASSIAN LADY, with a Host of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHBAP PREPAID ADVERBIRsmBNTS For conseclutive insertions of the classes ol ADVERTISEMENTS particularised below, t1fe following are the charges : s.ed. Two lines (nine words to a line) ?? 0 6 Ditto Three insertions ?? 1 0 Ditto Six insertions . ?? 1 6 Three nnd four lines, Once ?? IlO Ditto Three insertion ?? 0 Ditto Six insertions ?? 3 0 These charges apply only to the followinh classes of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HEATRE ROYAL, BIRIMINGHAMI. T under the Managenient of Mr. Mercer 2a. Simpson. GREAT SUCCESS OF TlE GRAND DUCEFS. T11 EVENING, at naef-past SOven, OFFENBACH'S. OPERATIO EX.TRAVAGANZA, THE GRAND DUCHESS. .9VI'IO~tTtO UYV 711. JOHN RUsSELn'1S COM PANY PROM07 COVENT GARDEN THEATRE. Box Oflloo Open from Eleven uutil Three olotk. Door. at Soven. Lower Boxes, 3s. UpprB oxes, 2s: Pit, Is.; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CH.HAP PRHPAID ADVERBTISEMENTS.I For consecutive Inaertionn of the olaeses of r ADVERTISEM~ENTS particularised below, the following are the charges: Two lines (nine words to alimle) ?? 0 6 Ditto Three insertionrs ?? ?? W 10 Ditto Six insiertions ?? ?? -16 Three and four lines, ?? I0 Ditto Three inaertion .. ?? 2 0 Ditto Six insertions ?? 3 0 These charges apply only to the following classes of ...