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... lie in- ROYAL COURT upo [ill A very large audience assembled in the Royal -\ oil Court Theatre last evening on the occasion of the aid of first production in this city of the burlesque ...


... ART NOTE, !, j Tis evening tbe-rewM be a oonvermvione at t! the liverpool Art Cdob in comectiell with tbej closing of the amateur exhibition. A paper will be read by Mr. G. B. Thompeon on 9Th 11a E 1 ...


... The fifth annual exhibition under the auspides of this society was held yesterday i a series of marquees erected on the ground of the Victoria Athletic Club. The exhibits of plants, fowers, fruits, and vegetables, were very artisti- caly arranged, under the direction of the committee, and presented a most attractive and creditable appearance. The entries wvere nure numerous then in previous. ...


... AO VT THE T TrAwsx: E ssays and Studies. Byy WimzS A RIWIIR. [London: T. Fisher Unwin.] This simple, title briefly but fully illustrates this volume, which contains ten articles of pernanent interest, -which have appeared in various serials, and which are nvllo worth reprinting. Since the Essays in Theatrical Criticism, by I fr. Mowbray Morris, no such volume has nppeared as anl exanmple of ...


... |. - ?? - ?? SI ~llf)JUM By V .lui'x. ?? [L dondoii 5 Iiieftillanl andi Uo; Sone time ago at poor womani priweiiineled ]mrtoclf at aii Len- dci olic IJ10court, and Biliielthtse baaii io cool. Sho~ appecared to thlinkc ho1 ci is exepitsooal ia th at recipect. Mahloinet had, hscelver, aff~irmed theacmeil ~thing ot hot whole Raxhin large arid 'general teri18 n N Iorrs has hieis IlrL'tuntedl ...


... THE ROYAL AGRIOULTURAL SHOW. . . . . . . I There were a goad many bionic facts in Preston yester- day afternoon, ax the rain, which commenced to fall9et shortly after twelve o'clock, gradually lost its intermittentet character, and resolved itself into a, steady downpour. At asl three o'clock it seemed certain that wve wore to have atli isetetition of thle Kilburn %weather, and visitors ...


... SMALL HEArH FLOWER SHOW.. The annual show, of the mtall Heath Floral and Horti- cultural Society was held ol Saturday on the Alliance Football GroundI. The attendance of spectators was very lisree, the attractions of the show being supplemenced by a football match between the Small Heath Alliance and the VWst Bromwich Albion clubs. The show was in every way worthy of the patronage it received. ...


... The Vienna correspondent of the Times, telegraphing on Tuesday, says :-AM.Verescbagin was sentenced'to-day to n fine of M. for-having allowed photographls of his pictures to he sold without asutborisation, this being an offence against the Press law. Bl. Veresehagin was well advised in not appearing at the trial to meake a speech in defence of his pictures, as lie had intended to do, The ...


... GRAND THEATRE, A NEW COM110 OPERA. The productioi of an entirely newt lyrid work in Birming- ham is not an everyday event; nor is so unmistakeable a success as Erminis achieved last night a common experience, either on the part of librettists or composers. 4 The comic opera produced at the Grand Theatre is the joint work, so far as the Ilibretto is concernedt of Dir. Claxon Bellamy and Mr. ...


... IBIRMINGHAM 'HOUSEHOLD SUPPLY ASSOCtATION (LTIMTED). The eleventh annual meeting of the shareholders of fio Birmingham Household Supply Association (Limited) was held at the Queen's Hotel, yesterday morning, Gr. T. T Bloomer (chairman) presidel; and there wcre also present BlIQesr. J. 0. Lord, C. Faulkner, E. R. Pearce, R.Tilslev, Alderman Martineau (solicitor), T. Sloeombe (asditoi}, &c.-In ...


... BIRMINGIIHAI CATTLE AND POULTRY SnoW. The Cattle and Poultry ShIow at flinglay Hail closed last evening, the returns showing that the exhibition has been the most successful since 1878 Tile attendance yes- terday was 15,508, being anl increase of 1,351 upon the same day last year, T'e number of persons admitted at (one shillisg was 5,610, I)roducing £280. 10.s, aeil the number at eixseace 8 ...


... MEMOIR OF CARDINAL NEWMAN.-* Tire life of Cardinal Newman-tihe full story of the theological controversies which have shaken the English Chuirch, and which have led to the secession of so many eminent men among the clergy-cannot yet he told, as it involves the careful consideration of so many subtle causes, so many strange influences, eo. many minute dis- cussions, so many personal elements, ...