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... I I q;pORwTEN _- - THats D.T NIGHT. Dthe o , tisneeting was g*tr We wazaer. the meteorological ~ ?? to-niht, as h .n. evz77de~rytlilitz points to a ?? > Frrds m'ar tbe safrely anticiated # 0fthe vens,_as there are a ?? -v ...


... L ! - tRAUVNG. LICHFIXLD NOTES. ?? 'THUSDAAT NIGHT. ricing, will be continued on the W'hittington Ere h to-morrow, and now that Stockton has been sw.ept off the slate an increased company will I doubtless assemble to eee the end of the circuit. Half a dozen items make up a well-patronised card, and the following may be worthy of ?? Shecif's Plate, So'rrmIs1 MTS- SiitpEL; Tamworth Plate. GAGE; ...


... I I RAGIF G. RACING NOThS& WFVnNiE.DAY NIGHT. There was little to compluin of in the quality of the sport witnessed at Aintree this afternoon, and but for the excessive length of the card unqualified praise would have been 'merited. Racing in Lancashire win beonatinued to-morrow at Nowton, where the proceedings promise to be light, and my selections are as follow -Makertield Handicap, ...


... I ; ' RACING. NEWMARKET NOTESt - ONDAY Nwn'r. Grand old Newmarket, as every one who goes racing must admit, celebrates another of her gatherings to-morrow, Wednesday, and Thursday, and, judgingfrom. overnight experience, when all is over 6uccesS will be echoed over and over again. The heath could not possibly be in better I condition for racing than it is at Present, and with the weather ...


... BAGLEY MEET12T41. SATURDAY, OCT. 2S. Jkofte3tr Owarwridc. t1Wpar: A l9L Tbe third and encluding day of this drea- fally span-ont meeting was favoured with erv beautiful weathet. thaaks to which the sport .wis h tlrgh y enjoyel by the small number a f visitrS lreuent HEres again proved very ?? to find, %nd lkilly four hours were! ocenpied in bringinr off the seven coarese re4ared to finieb the ...


... SPORTINGN r I KEMPTON PARK NOTES. MONDAY NmG. a ee iudirationg- of frost. to-pight, bat not e ment to threaten interference with the Kemnpton Park meeting, w'uich takes plate to- morrow and on Wednesday. A eavital Progrumme has been issued, sad although to-night's arrival list i small, it will be ncreased to sunh an extent in the morning that good fields mav be anticipated My seeections for ...


... EIGHTEENTH LANCASHIRE FUSLE I VOLUNTEERS. iy PR1TZE DISTRBJUTION. E :d The amnnal prize distribution in connection with t d the 18th Lanahire RiMe Voltnteers (Liverpool a d Irish) took place last evemng in St. George's Hall, L b and was, as usual, the occasion of a large muster 9 3 of the members of the carps and their friends. J 3 Tb. pleasant duty of distributing the prizes, 2 o which bad ...


... 11 r-- SpORTING. I EVENTS AN]) NEXT CW XEEK'S MEETINGS. C45 fsatiety in the Liverpool Cup 5:. u we5 of to rank as one of the best per- U.e have seen this yea.I- a 00 r~ptd by the majority of t o take an interest in racing that flY w i the race to which -jaidg aliuisio3 in favour of his stabl]e ?T e3Trcsnb. This surmise, itwasthonght hirsc amounto of supnort when Satiety! rsed a run in the ...


... Il ON . OAST .L AND i I 1Ail PJROUP 7I Z oi, 7 n oi S a, MZ. ta the g A of U a:. Crast of ?? wa pnvde wsi~e f at ~o the g t wbe, as %nd th ~ lwtydweoesse by trir 3i' ~ ote mahe ci the Gisdt ' e' 'Thes dint. was f£e Uber Os t4t by s and ei c t w e Ic who -dw wfidigly er n this duty. j.-:n were i:et ~ e, beide r :d~ olad toe, andlh& ' Drw i' ba t Ve Wma p' Wfit ?? t 4 ai d D= Gib the ...


... The above club commenced its annual autumn meeting yesterday, at Hoylike. As compared with former gatherings, the turn-out yesterday was -ery disappointing, the nnly crack golier tro:n Scotand being Mr. J. E. Laidlay. who has been csrrying all before him in the North, and was fully expected to have done the same, NesterdaY, at HIoylake. as on Tuesday last, while plaving a friendly match of 36 ...


... I S.. , 1 |- S PORTNG. | RACING. SANDOWN PA8K NOTES. FRIDAY NIwr. Some capital sport was witnessed at Sandowrn Park to day, where a large company assembled, athough the atmosphere was bitterly cold. The leadiur event - of the afternoon, the Aissele Hurdle Handicap, attracted the biggest field of the season to the post, and Sir John and The Vicar were the ?? goods, Sir John winning cleverly ...


... : RACING. KE31PTON PARK NOTES. Fernsr NNIORT. The wretched weather effectually spoiled the opening day ?? Park, and b6th the racing and attendance wsu much below expectations. Charm was somewhat unfortunate in the thiei two-year-old race, inasmuch that she began so slowly as to lose a deal of ground at the start, and only failed by a head to land the rich staice. There b as next to no, this ...