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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS. 0*t No notice of Birth, Marriage, or Death can be In- sorted USdIoS authenticatod by the namne amus addres of the mender. BIRTHS. Cosmooq-Nov. 16, the wife of Mr. William Cotton, Spital- fields Wallk, Cheter, of a daughter. 6ieltDON-NOV. 19, at PAthtoI-viOW, Rook Ferry, Ohechire, Mrs. Samuel Gordon, of a son. KHARNE-NOV. 18, at Vernon Lodge, Gateacre, the wife of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Nfrow, warrilloo, antd t. * No Notice of Birth, Marriage or Death can be inserted unless authenticated iZ the name an addreas of the sender. BIRTHS. MELLuXG-Jan 27, tie wife of Mr. H.- Melbug, 111, Islingtoii, of a daughter. MARRIAGES. W We are requested to stato that the announcement of the marriage of Mr. Elias Pollard to .Mi3s ary Sparks, which appeared in the .Jfercwu of Wedne1day last, is ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... widu, ania2g, god paso. * No Notice of Birth, Marriage or Death ean be Inserted unless authenticated by the nasme and address of the sender. BIRTHS. BoomI-March 18,atBirkeihead, the wife ofMr. Geol Helry Booth, of a laughter. FORFAi-March 18, at 80, Sandon-street, the wifeof the Rev. P. T. Forfar, of a daughter. GLovEn,-March 19, at Rice Hey Villa, Egremont, Ms. John T. Glover, of a son. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... firso adiyot and PeaW No Notice of Birth, Marriage or Death cn be inserted unless authenticated by *he name and address of the sender. BIRTHS. QUARIS-PFeb. 12, the wife of Mfr. James Al. Quarrie, Ballavoddan, Andreas, Isle of Man, of a daughter. WNAMOND-Feb. 2, at Arran-view, Fair-hill, Galway, the wife of Mr. James Whamond, of H. M. Customs, of a daughter. WLlmAms-Feb. 15, at 56, Lord-street ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ~irtks, ?Zariuaqeo, ntl entU%. * NO Nootire of Birth ?? ,deaheanbe in%,erted unlees authntiate byh iname. adddres's of the senIder. The words N cards, orayiar addition to th simple annoneetent of a m death, subject it to palymeutt a for au advertisement. O BIR'THS. AI)TEN-Msl y 3, at 37, Morpel h-buldtllgs, Clovelanod-street, fiirienhicad, the wife (of Mr. J1 ohn Aden, of twin sHong. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... *c o~o5lceof Blfrtb, Bbgereveaikeanbeinaerted unless thtntloatod by the and addrss of the sendeY. Theor-ds NoardzOranaI iraddltlon to the smplte anno2aoemen. f a marrae ot death. eublect it Io arment Is for an advertisement. BIRTHS. CAnhisIt.-Auguet 9, at 7, Prospset vale, Fairfeld, the vwie of Mr. John Cartmel, of a daughtr. ORAYrOnD-August 8, t 4, Portlpad-place, Derby. road, Bootle, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ^,^No E*atoe of Birth, Maurage, ?? be lueertec§ , lece a uthentcated by the name omdi;addrees of the Bender. Tle words No caids. or an similar additlon .to tbe ,3m~ple. ?? of .oarig or death, anubectt to reyment an for anadeertlement. -IRTHS. BURTorr-Sept. 11, at Thurland Castlo, LAncashiro, the -wife of North Burton, Eqnq. of, a daughtr. Cotrion-Sept. 18 at 82 Derwent-road, West Derby, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... N* No Notice of Birth, tiarrisge, or Death oan be In- aorted unless ?? by the name and address of B the sander. The words No cards. or any similar addition to the simple announnement of amarriage or death, subiot It to paYment, as for an alvertlaement. BIRTHS. e BBAU51ONT-Oct. 22, the wife of Mr. Thomas Beaumont, ] 42, Upper Hill-street, of a son. CooI't-Oct. 24, at 29, Carter-street, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... NONuIYo 0Ikti, aageg, ?? canbenzots msender.Th na s ar 'Oblb wr nU nl4n or aaeri e dea g ~~~BflTHS. BUnBfOWS-Aug. 4, the wife of Mr. J. Brrow,1 Avon- utreet, Lodge-lane, of aBOO. 10, FRANofFu at 45, k Bransick-road, the wife of W.r B.. D Franceof a daugbter. GooYzY-Aug.6, -at Oak -reen, Parkdleld-road,. Mrs. Thoma.soffey, of Ptdaughter. , ' flnqDhy-Ag. 4, t 8i . mie adle, the wife of; r. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? thentgated th n ennldat en. lb wrs. eardseg'oany sntlat a Uon :tb the idmple AnnUuneoint et a-mcl * C oddbath : sbject £t'to payment aF fer j V =e$Iemeutt - : ?? BIRTEiv& * b' iHii-A1g, 0, at 4rp, Oandfa-street.Rvertoii, Mr. 4Jpavl4~1e~d pY a~lanJ8h~tew.. : . JomssTOs-Aug. 10, at Great Ctosby, Mrs W`. H. O. Johinton, oft son- HnElssE~s-Aug. 12,nt 202, Mountpleasnt, tMrs, Samuel .Klrkaeos, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... W a~M ote'fBrth, aezggg and Deab anb neted %No I unless Inhnise ih aeadadeso h gender. Th od 1' ad, rsymlrad tio to the simple sanouneens of a m a death mubject itto payet efora eissmmn BIRTEIS. ANHANOSTOPULO-Ang. 9, at Graham Villa, Southport, Mrs. Anagnestopulo, prematurely, of a son. i BoAnnswc-Aug. 10, the wife of Mr. J. Boardman, of a son. CUMEILIA-Jlly 28, in Frances-buildfegir, Lower ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... *K* No Notice of Bhrt, Marriage, or Doath o n be lnseztedi unless authe.t lted by the name and address of the cender. 'The words Nrocards,or any elmiraddition I to the elmple annonncement of A marriage or death eubleot it to Vialment as for an adrertieement. c BI-Ag. BIRTHS. C BvnsRows-Aug. 4, the wife of Mr. J. Burrows, 10, Avon- street, Lodge-lane, of a son. CImsTRSTAN--Aug. 0, at ...