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Daily News (London)

Advertisements & Notices

... MI E8R ORREVN itnd S 0NWS MO1TGAW61, L1tie ?? oro tin' 1URG ISTRIATION of AMtOUNTS fo -hhE1TO mOiO'TOA(E; and ?? of Smouitio.d on -Which Nonyi -couired. AtouNTS To B1i INlVWYED ON ISORTO&OF10 itegistor No £2,600 on Freehold or long LAeecohold Propert ?? £1,000 cm Freehold or long L achrbl ?? 1,020 £3,100 on~ Frum-hold and longt Leasehold PrOpery ?? 1,027Z £35,00 at 31 per rtmt. on tlrs.tlA3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VTNCOMMON and ELEGANT CURTAINS,' -~ ~ ?? W 0T YN COMPLETE IN ONE PIECE, de pr TX NEUILLY TAPESTRY, BROCADES, on ?? or SILK, and other MATDHIAIS. TfEE MOST COMPLETE COLLECTIO o4 5.bemse in any one House in London or l'sris ats ch moderate prcs(o ah sto place them within the be e o all desiring to ?? in irood taste with econdomY. is THE NEW PATENT OSCILLATING CAIR - day. Cs SEDLEY and Co., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BanS =- I =1 I s, 1902 rO LADIES.-ROWLANDS' KALYDOR, an 2076B . Oriental Botanical Preparation for Improving and Benut- 1042 fying the Complexion and Skin. The radiant, bloom it imparts 20859 to the cheek, and the softness and delicacy which it induces of 1403 the hands and armse ie capability of soothing irritation and re- 4119 moving an redness, tan, pimples, spots, freckles, diecolorations, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUSTI~NEW ZE INIA by ST,~L B an all parts, ROYAL ~ROWL'E for NORTH Wid SO UTL PACIFIC Central America. New n n Australia. Jaan, and China Ivi&lPanama): also foathe Brltieh WsIdes&a., Cubaand Mexico. -The ROYAL MATL STEAM PACKET CO iANY'S ATLANTIC STHAIMtIPS now run through from Southampton'to Colon (AepnwV).bj which arrangement passengers, goods, &o., for the leis usof111nSaml. are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '3 ESSRS. MONEY WIGRAM ad SONS'(o 81HOpSicAUS'TRALA.,-Fol, RILBOUSONE ?? to lenoc th00 DooIkn on SU'UnL'DAY, 20th .li'brus~ Cago at 2'lymnoth. thf0 splenid ohippoo ohi p YORUSHIREI3 ).20 ton . ?? ANDE.RSON, Coroonooider; lying to tho Beat0 flli. Doo.oa )dar ?? too all olnooeo of paseooongos is uonsurpassed, I , M1ltAL-Lo3)tD andl IlORG I, with leMon. MONEY 3id~N. 7,ednnbnf.n1treet. -k1JSTRAIrA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , fENERAL FUPNERAL COBIPANY,-The XA LOND02NNa7OOPOlUSl, owing tot limmuse eoitent and .resooZee, ie tme only pleoe when true privet of bwird onw b obtanl. ThsCompanYndertake the son uct of funerals, a veL ucined hargeato w reiowan and other ?? n l ltrend, Westmineterma4 Stationi 6 He. I =ntn t~n b F dlo, 1anetreets.W._ _ _ _ SAUCE.-OLARENCE'S CAYENNE SAUCE, poonounood Iw ouoln~itovra tbe best ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rUE SALE PRICE of the DAILY NEWS ALL JLOVER ENGLAND and at the RAILWAY STATIONS. Messrs. W. IL SMITH and SON now SELL the DAILY NEWS t U the Railway Stations at ml all TlTHRE ENCE per SINGLE COPY, rndwlll SIIPPLY all COUJNTRY ROOKSELES and HEWS AGENTS onl such terms as wili enable thera also to SELL thleI DAILY NEWS at the marked prioe of TEP;EIEPENCE. per' SINGLE COPY. 180, Strand. IFLEMAN, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UBE SALE PRICE of theDAILY NEWS ALL OVER ENGLAND and at the RAILWAY STATIONS. Messrs. W. R. SMITH and SON now SELL the DAILY NEWS al all the RailwaY Stations at THREEPENCE per SINGLE COPY, and will SUPPLY all COUNTRY BOOKSELLERS 4and NEWS. ENTS on such term~s as wll enable them also to SELL the AIY' NEWS at the marked price of THRElEPRNCB per IENGIE COPY. 158, Strand, STEAM PROM LIVERPOOL OR ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UETROPOLITAN IMPROVEMENT RA ..L To the Right Honoutable the LOR] DMAYOR. MY LoBiti,-We, the undesrigned oitlzensad a-! aced inhabitanlts of the City of London, beg leave to direct the attention of your 1 lordship to th e provisions of a bill Introdioead into carlianent, fi called the Metropolitan I ~rove ment Bill, which seeks to g1 Impose a special and additio fourpence in the pound - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wllbepuished on MarchSo, ed., mHE CH1ltONICLE; a Weekldy Review:, cal afld Literary Anrticles. S. Notices oS En11lisi and Foreigna Boolca-Otlce, 24, Tavlstoclc-street, Coventvgaren. IFTEEN CARTES de VISITE for 2s. 6d., LO ONad PRO~ &NOIAL P'OOCMAY 13EAPSIDE. - BENNETT'S KEYLESS I WATCHES. No Key required-air tight-damp tight- dust tight. .. 'Silver . es.8 ga*. 8 gs. 6 Gold*.B3NZT10. r1HE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MONUMENTS, TOMBS, and TABLETS, in MARBIE, Granite, or Stone-Design3 and estimates for theo above forwrarded by W. H:. Burke and Co., Statuaries by appointment to E1.R.E. the Prince of Wnles, the Britlsh and Fereign Marble Galleries, WVARWICK-HOUISE, 142 and 144, Regent-street: 2,3, 0, and ffl, Warwvick-street. Malasfactories-- Csrrara, Brussels, Peterhead, and 1N, Newman-street, London. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lD:EZSSE and LUBINi'S SWEET SCENTS. .LFrangipanni, Magnolia, Patehouly, Geranium, Ever-sweet, Opoponax, New-mown IIay, Whaite Rose, Ligo Aloe, and 1,000 others from every flower that breathes a fragrasece, 2s. Ed. each, or three bottles in a case, 7s, sold by the fashionable drnggiets and perfumere In all parts of the workld-LAEORA- TORY of FLOWE RS, 2, New Bond-street, London. SIEF-ADJIJSTING ...