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Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... ELECTRO PLATE, IN =j.SVZCESrOlt:!E5, Z ?OO1S, s 17T6s, &c., PLA!TED ON NICHLE SILVER, E3AUTIIFULLY FINISHED, AND OF A MIOST DUAIt3L.E QUALITY. FIDDLE PATTERN. VICTORIA, ALBEPT, ANH Y QIINITAliN:TAT, PArTTER N. 12 Dinner Forks, *-- £' 8 0 'Fable Forks, F' doz. 3 '3 0 12 Tablie Spoons, ..* 2 8 oS° Thble Spoors, ,, S S O 12 i'essCrt Forks,.-. 2 2 0 Dessert Fors ,, 2 G 0 12 Dessert Spoons, 2 2 0 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW PICTORIAL ALMANACK, FOR 1859, 'atrsENTED GRATUITOUSLY TO Till' 5'Arr.Os O0l THE PAwrECHN'ET55ECA. TO THE INITABfTTXNTS OF, BELFAST, AND THE NOKRT' OF, IRLA.ND, GENERALLY. IN PRESEINV7VG to You on te First Day of the ANeio Year, this slight tokes of oufgaatit ide, we would Ie- sp))clfittly tender to you. our gratf.t-anIc, for the very liberal andl greatly increased patrone/e wehici we have ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BEIFST ANACREONTIC SOCIETY. lIE COMMITTEE bave much satisfactiori in announe- I ilg to tile Meinmbers, Associates, and Shareholders, that tIhe first CONCERT, for this Season, vill take place *)n WEDNESDAY Eveninig, the 9th of January, for which oc- casion they have been so fortunate as to susceced in engaging the following highly distinguishled arlistes Aladame DULCKEN, Pianist to her Majesty ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW PICTORIAL ALMIANACK, FOR 1850, 'RESENTED Gt ATkI1rOrSu.Y TO THlP PXTRONS OF THnE PA NT EC lX T Ii iC, A TO TIHE INIIABITANlS OF BELFAST, AND TIlE NORTH OF IRELAND, GELNiLR.LLY. ,i '. RESEVTTING to Yea, a, the rirst Day of the Nell Year, this slight token q ofto' gratitude, ?,e would re- specifultq tenzder to you 0our grate/ul thawks, for the very liberal and greatly increased patronage ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISS CATIIERINE HAYES. T ERR GRANZ has tho pleasurc to announce that he has T mi nadc arrangemenis for TWO GRANI) CONCERTS on tihe l8th and 19th February, at vhicil Miss CATHERINE Il AYES will appear for tihe first tinic in Belfast since her re- B turn1 fromi the Continent. Misi ltayes %will hie accompanied on this occasion by a mosL distiniguished party. 66 1! ADJOURNED QUARTER SESSIONS, AT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPECTACLES FOR ALL SIGHTS AND AGES. CONVEX. CONCAVE. S. s~~~~~~. d NeatBhiaSteel,perpttir, 3 01NeatDlueSteel,perpair, 3 6 Highly finishied do. 5 0 'li-hlv fitished do. o 6 Best Steel Frames, wvith Very best Steel Frames, Pebbles, w9 ieighiilg only 2 pet Fine Tortoise shell, 5 6 nyweight, 8 Elegant Shell, per pair, 6 Cataract Spectacles, 2s. 61. per pair. Fine Gild Spectacles ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPECTACLES FOR ALL SIGHIITS AND AGES. CONVEX. CONCAVE. NeatBlteSteel,perpair, 3 O Neat Blue Steel, Lerpair, G6 li chly finished do. 6 0 Highly finished do o G Best Steel Framwes, with 3rerv best Steel jrtloes, Pebbles, 9 f; *Neigrling onlyt pen. Fine Tortoise shell, 5 ! noyeilit .8. 38 Elegnit Shell, per pair, 6 6 Cataract Spectacles, 2,s 6,1. per pair. Fine Gold Specrtarcle's, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BELFAST ANACREONTIC SOCIETY. HlIE COMMITTEE have mtuch satisfaction in antioule- T iog to the Memilbers, Associates, and Shareholder, that the first CONCERT, for this Season, wvill take pilce no FRIDAY Erveig, the 18ih of Jauary, instead of \Vel. tesda la, the 911h, s firuil cr1y adveitises, f'for whichI occasiou they have belen So forts sate as to s acceed ill cilgaging the fol. (3wing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AMERICAN ROSIN. 250 Barrels American 1P 0 s I ., Now landing, ex Maria, fromo New York, for SA t;i/on mo- derate terns, froin the Qiiav, by GEORGE ASil, 40, Waring-street. January 16th, 1850. 123 Bathl Brieks, Fliaring Tiles, &c. P( EORGE ASH offers fir SALE, on reasonalble terms, G fromo the Quay, the Cargo of the 131B:1holly, froim Bridgewater, collsistinz if- Bath BRICKS, Alalt anml Curs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G ELSTON & TORBITT offer for Sale, on the most fa- vourable terms, in Ibond and duty paid, Grain and Malt WHISKEYS, of various males; Demerara and Jamaica RUMS, Cape and Benjiearlo WINES; Cognac BRANDY (Martcll's); Port \WINE (Sanidemian's); Sherry Do. (Gatvey's); Rectifie(i LIQUORS, LIQUEURS, ALE, PORTER, VINEGAR, &C. OFFICES AND STORES TO BE LET. An APPRENTICE W1'anCli. 35, N iRTH-SrUESi'r, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISS CATHERINE HAYES. 'ER-R GRANZ has the to annoe-t at lie his I Made arrangements for T\YO GRAN CONCERTS on (hll 18th and 19tl Febrluary, at whichI Miss CAVli ERINE HAYES will appear for the first Hatile in Belfast since helr re- turn from the Colitillelit. Mis Hlaves v ill bC accosmpanaieed ol this occasion by a most dist liguished party. 13i fR. 13ULLUN DAY, Solicitor, having ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISS CATHERINE HAYES. JERR GRANZ has the pleasure to announce tlaj he has H made arrangements for TWO GRANI Ct|CERTS on the I5th and 19th February, at which Miss CAtiERINE H.AYES will appeal for the first time in Belfast sue her re- turn from the Continent. Miss Hayes will lie aceoinpauied on this occasion by a m0ost distinguisihed patty. 13i THIIRATRE ROYAL, BELFAST. prM_'L S jamzansl s ATID ...