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Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... IRISH ALLIANCE. /pHE IRISH ALLIANCE vill meet on WED- 1 NESDAY EVENING, the 23d1 Instant, inthelMUSIC HALL, LOWER ABBEY-STREET, at SEVEN o'Clock. C Admission to body of the Hall, and back Galleries free; a charge of One Shilling to visitors to the Boxes and Platform. Ladies admitted without charge, and members on present- inc their Cards. ~~o~ M Pi. R. LEYNE, Secretary. Council-rooms, 25, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... YOU MAY BE CURED YET HrOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT.- CUsE OF RHEUMATISM AnD RHEIUWAIC Gourr.-Extrict of a Letter from Mr. Thomas Brunton, Landlord of the Waterloo Tavern, Coatham, Yorkshire, late of the Life Guards., sated September 28th, 1848 To PROFZSSOR HOLLOWAiY-SI-For a long time I was a martyr to rheumatism and'rheumatic gout, and for ten weeks previous to using your medicine I was so bad as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENTLEMAN USHER'S OFFICE. Dublin Castle, December 21, 1849. flIS Excellency the Lord Lieutenant will hold a LEVEE, at Dublin Castle, on WEDNESDAY, the 23d day of January, 1850, at ONE o(Clock. -It is requested that each Gentlenman attending the Levee will bring Two Cards, witlh his Name and Plece ofesidence legibly ieritten; or printcad thisrea one to be delivered to the Persen appointed to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TRY ERE YOU DESPAIR H L L O W A Y'S P I L L S. CUns or AsTrmA.-Extract of a Letter from Mr. Benjamin Mackie, a respectable Quaker, dated Creenegh, near Loughali, freland, ?? 11th, 1848:- 1 To PROFESSOR HOLLOWAY-RESPECTED FRIEND-Thy ex- oellent pills have effectually cured me of an asthma which aflicted me for three years to such an extent that I was obliged to walk my room at night for air, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Monster Entertain nte a :mos positivelythe Lost BENEFIT - ' .. . ,pdie Lri Fanilv, Harleqwin and GrofMsq4u6s Dr.Paul; C5ert ,j clown; MdIlle. L.. Blanche, C61iambie*; eeldbtr psntaloein. 1Grijtitb, -NlN~G (MAoda) Jan. 21st1.,1oO, Monday), Jn f~,10 T8he pert5~iiniO coencce with the Comicellima j^sctf c~ ~E THI; DESERTER, Arc) Tl9 GENTLEMAN IXr BLACIK. punnlii55ues M~r. Sanlythson; Davern, MIr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TURBEY SPONGES, WHOLESALE ANI T RETAIL. S. WEINGARTEN, IMPORTER OF SPONGES, 7, WICKLOW-STREET, (Within seven doors of Grafton-street), Has a large stock of prime Toilet, Carriage, and Stable Sponges always on hand, and ready for immediate delivery, at very moderate and reduced prices. ?? W. has also on hand a large quantity of Turkey Honeycomb Sponges, which are suitable for either Carriage or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, 'DUBLIN. yirst appoaraieC of the celebrated Eqnustrian Phenomenien, YOU rG' HERNANDEZ, ' . Th most extraordinary novelty ever produced here, who *ill go tbhough his Equestrian Feats Inna Circle on an entirely new plan, erected on the Stage, - I . 11s EVENING- '(Tuesday), Jan. 22d, 1850, , the performahces will ''cobarmence with Goldsmilths' Comedyof fSHE STOOPS TO CONQUjER. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... YOIJ MAY BE CURED 1ET~~ tFOL.LOWAY'S OINTItENT Ccnre:OF Rt5ORTMtATISM AND RYIECOXUToiC GotrrExt a Letter from Mr. Thomas Brunton, Landlord of the 1VA Tavern, Coatham, Yorksbiye, late of the Life Ga September 28th, 1848:- To PROFESsoR ;EoLLowYT--SmR-Fdr a long time Ice martyr to rheumatism and rheunsatic gout, and for tena previous to nsing your medicine Iwe eso bad as not to oe 5 walk. I had ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENTLEMAN USHER'S OFFICE. Dublin Castle, December 21, 1849. IS Excellency the Lord Lieutenant will hold H a LEVEE, at Dublin Castle, on WEDNESDAY, the 23d day of January, 1850, at ONE o'Clock. It is requested that each Gentleman attending the Levee will bring Two Cards, with his Name and Place of Residence legibly terittea or printed thereon, one to be delivered to the Person appointed to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TRY ERIE YOU DF8AIBR H A OL L A I L L S. ,Cvtau or As~si{A,-Extract of a Letter from Mr. Benjaminln Maolie, a reslectable Quaker, dated Creenagh, near Loughall, Ireland, dated September l1th, 1848:- T To ?? H3OLLOwAY-R55PECTEb FuNDrsn-Thy ex- cellent pillehave eflretuallycaredn me of an nstlnmawhich anflicted me for threeyears toeuch tnl extent that Iwvas obliged to walk my room at night-for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRERGTYAUL; DUBLIN.* ed appearane of the celebiated Fquestri'n Pheftomenon, r 'YOUNG HERNANDEZ, w so yy3 receiv'ed last 'evening with piost eathuslastic apr.| pleUS~5 EVENING (Wednesdaxy§, Januiry 23d, r1 1810, the perfiordatnces vi~llcoiomrencewith the Comic pram5of DON C.iSAR'DE BAZAN;' on, A MNATOC FoR A MXOARCIL Don Ccasar de B]3za.n Mr Calcraft Charles It., King of Spain, Mr. Lingham; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... YOU MAY BE CURED YET H OLLOWAY'S OINTMENT.- CURE OF RHEUMATISM ANiD RHEUMATIC GOUT.-Extraotof a Letter from Mr. Thomas Branton, Landlord of the Waterloo Tavern, Coatham, Yorkshire, late of the Life Guards, dated September 28th, 1848:- To PnoFEssoR HOLLOWAY-Sm-For a long time I was a martyr to rheumatism and rheumatic gout,, and for ten weeks previous to using your medicine I was so bad as ...