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Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. A I E T Y T H E A T R E. Itarortant Engagement (for 6 Nights only), First and only appearance In Dublin Of the Great Polish Actress, Mddme HELENA MODJESKA, lopported by Mr WILSON ARRETT'S COMPANY, THiIS EVENING (Monday), Oct 31st (at 8), And WEDNESDAY NETr, Scbiller's Grand Play, MARY STUART. dary Stuart ?? ?? Madame Helena Modjeska TO-MORROW (rluesday), HEARTSEASE. THURSDAY, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. ¶- )Zthe renowneli CAtiL FOSA OFERIA CO-MPAINY. THIS EVENiNG (Moindav), Aug 215t (at 8), `TMNAiVAWLE.' a sianrico, Mr Er.-on Ru iki:Eiz, Mr Wilfred Fi-i.)ntl; Count di Lit-;a, Mr Lcsi-ie Croztty tenrant. .NlriS ,ss N oteInez, imsss o Coc-tunitor, 'Mr John Pew. TOMOt.OV(Tuesda-y),C `-T!71 RoSE OF CASTtILLE-r thE WPEDNESDAY NEXIT, IRHE BlOHiEMIAN GIRL-1 ?? e-~-c-ony Stallls, 7 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIO NOTICES. G A I E T Y TH EA^T RE. L~ast Th-ee~i-ht, of Mr D'O LY ..c. T&2.S O PERP.A COMIP ANYV. THIS .EVFNiNit (Thurslay). Sentember 14th, WV S Gilbert and Arfhi' SnIlivan's Or-ginal 3IelsoDra~mactie Oper:vu,?il PIRATES OF PENZANCE. Preoeded (it S) by A S' 5 ENT WONMAN. of GiRA:.D -T SATURDAX N EXT, ( T)AV . S,'t lith, CPER:FORji ANCh . At 2 clock. t7 pareg as ?? to 5. Eon OfSir, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALL Fuaneril Rakittislsat Wa~kkers. Xleszl~letreilt U¶RTY~n ok,~~o tet ?? th ,U thl 1aerilas and. Agpyintreukts its their establishment. BxkA1JTUlJJ Selectiouot ,tn.UeioriamnCasels,utLyoap =uiliJ i en50L rtt Saiet.Seasm Prinsers, and ogruhvriv. L2 Collegeigretia. corer of Triviy hiere Dub, it. 0atena tre ots apllcatCoEaltonz Aeieti cau The lr~emoele andeemat itpo eeenttfrvs atde BitACAlrrn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I IjeorlnLo J Cards at Eston's; the largest assortment in tin. ltcy i-4 at hEwton's; -ami-pies sent poest free on appli- catiol; th-e: nces.s cHcapeot, and best in quality, design, pr ce, are a; ;Latos; insh, English, and trench patterns; aton'i Photo Mtortuiary Ca .as a speCciality; Churen Porch ,nd Oratory Caurds i: great 'ariety; Soticeof Deaths, i uneraland (Iictinento ?? An ouncemnents ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I Xetcoriam Cards at Eaton's; the largest assortment n the city is at Eaton's- samples sent post free on appli. c tion; the newest. cheapest, and best in qualty, design, price, are at Eaton's; Irish, English, and French patterns; ?? Cardsasoial~itv; Church Porch and Oratory Cards in great 'ariety; Noticeof Deaths, Fnneral, and (msnto lion) Oshics .An ouneements sent er eturn post 31 and S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BUSTNESS CARDS. 4NXOtrCEX F.NT; Thomas M1orton, 95 Talbot street,! &ppiy. p27dlkBj1 14ASSi-N I 'ITE leramioulators; the largest, cheapest, ±Sanirl ot ci~ ?? -c~tton ; 11eramhulatorz, i8s 6dd- Less~ntt'ocs. ap~ 40la; Perambulator Fur Rugs8, 4s 3d ; ' b-a od;c ~,p-rcsn ilucired. INicholson's P, rinhu- Liter Worse, S I liry' St. p435-3cu f_~LI ED,irM tiriture Sooites, from £E2 i7s 6dI Di ilog- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. A A I E T Y T H E A T R E. Jr ?? nighlt of The popular young Novelist and Dramatist MISS FLORENCE WARDE., T, Sunnorted by a carefully chosen Company. THIS EVENING (Saturday). Dec 19th (at 5), The Farce, A CUP OF TEA. Afterv.hich, by desire THE HOUSE ON THE M4ASR. Ivo'etChristie .. M iss ?? Wardell Price- as usIal, id to as. Box Office at Cramer's. 'ATUIRDAY NEXT, Dec 25th (St ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' N Mremoriam Cards at Eaton's; the largest assortment 11iln the city is at Eatoll's; sbamples sent post tree on appii- cation; the iewves., clieape, and beat in quality, design, price, are at katuno a; 3rih, English, and Frenon patterns; Eatonl's Photo Slotary Curtis a speciality; Cnurca Porch and Uiatnory Lardls in great variety; Notice 9r Deaths, Fvut=i, and (.Memento Mlcri) tffice An ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *&41LLElMY and Saees, ng avy si. ver e Once= = Ro- t-engageakosit. goodsssiilbaer win push- WflSSt-es, hlbmiteresee4= be gives; eontry pre- terre& Addre A B, 3 Lower-loeacersereetp 09sw NURaSK or .Ge2ra Seirmu yWV iA besba stua- ?? as above-, reke -hersef gwzmy usefwi well onen-ded. Address 8164, Freeman Oftice. L v ES; respectable Wo=a would be giad to get ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S Mernonram Cards at Ea-on's; the largest assortment A the city is at Eaton's; samples sent post free on appii- cation; the newest, cheapest, and best in juality, desoign, I price, are at Eaton's; Irish, English, and trrench patterns; Eaton's Photo.Mortnary Cards a speciality; Church Porch mnd Oratory Cards in great variety; Notice of Deaths, tUneral, and (lemento Mori) Office An ouncenentes ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4dPPOJNrMZJV21TS VA CA NT. Wy EPE~hand A~ssitwint Sub-Edflr wantedfoa Atl~heisesl nespper iuet be aus experienceed teroatun rpre.Address, stiatiig full particulars, T -s .,ulle Ctoi totets, Liverpool.pSds v,1EaECTABLE fartnef a Son wanted for ?? IRand Provision Husuiess, where be will be well treated 1nW get a thorough knowledge of hid busineSs; fee, .t20. ?? sic R$IUAuiIJ NVtiar ...